Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Let's take a closer look...

Ladies and Gentleman... I am an art lover. I love art of all kinds, including music, paintings, drawings, animations, tattoos, etc, etc, etc. Never in my life have a seen such an amazing, thought-provoking piece of artwork like the one that I'm about to share with you. Take a look...

Ahhh yes..."You fucking broke it...." Almost moves u to tears, does it not? Now, let's take closer look, shall we?

As you can see, this picture tells an entire story, quite a typical one at that: Girl meets boy, Girl falls in love, Boy fucks up, Girl gets hurt...

Hmmm...sound familiar? I thought it might!

Now, as you can see the girl is slightly taller than the boy. This tells us one of two things; either the girl is more of a woman than the boy is a man, or simply that she is wearing high heel shoes of some sort. For argument sake, let assume she is a woman dealing with a little boy trapped in a man's body. A likely story..no?

Now, if you look closely, you can, see that the girl has on a pretty dress, with a lovely matching hair bow to compliment her attire. The boy, wears nothing...he is naked. This tells us that although the girl calls the boy to tell him they need to meet up discuss their relationship, in his tiny little pee brain, the only thing that registered was "SEX". And so he comes prepared...

Look closer now...the girl is holding her now broken heart in her hands and thrusting it towards the boy. Chances are, she made several attempts to illustrate the fact that the boy has done something to hurt her feelings. Judging by the dumb ass look on the boy's stupid face, he doesn't quite understand. The girl, probably then tries to explain in simplest possible terms that the boy's actions have caused her to feel uneasy. Once again, the boy doesn't get it. Proof of the boy scratching his head in total and utter confusion can be seen if you look closely at the two little hairs sticking up on the back of his hollow dome.

The girl then, has no choice but to rip out her heart and show the brain dead moron what she's trying to get across. "YOU FUCKING BROKE IT." Notice how his facial expression shows no sign of comprehension. If you zoom in extra close, you will probably be able to see the line of drool dripping from his half open retarded mouth as he struggles to understand why the girl still has her clothing on.

Pablo Picasso couldn't have done it better himself. I have yet to see such a piece of art more on point and accurate than this one. I couldn't let this precious piece of work go unappreciated. I am thrilled to have shared it with all of you.

Thank you,


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