Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Crazy little thing called FATE

I would like to share something with you all that I have learned recently. This took a lot of time, tears, pain and stress before my eyes were finally opened to this realization. The realization is this: FATE IS FATE. It's as certain as life itself. No matter how much you try to shape it, change it, or dodge it...whatever's meant to happen, WILL HAPPEN!!! So learn to love it and make the most of it. I have been in a situation for some time now. It's brought out the best and the worst sides of me. One minute the sun is shining the next minute thunder storms are pouring down and lightning is setting my world on fire. To describe it simplest terms, I've been emotionally fucked up!! Here's the worst matter how many times I've tried to change the situation, I find myself being pulled back into like a never ending tornado of bullshit. So I finally decided to take a step back and evaluate the situation from on observer's perspective.

What I realized is that I'm in this steaming pile of cow dung for a reason. I'm meant to be in it. There's something MUCH bigger going on here. I am learning very very important lessons. I am being tested. I am being educated. And yes...even though throughout this mess I have been pushed to my limit to the point of wanting to kill everyone around me (*ahem*) for whatever reason, my fate has decided that this is something I NEED to go through to perhaps deal with bigger and more significant things in my years to come. For that, I am thankful.

When at last I have absorbed all I need to absorb from this situation, I will move on with the knowledge, experience and wisdom that I will gain from going through this. But fuck.....I hope to God that that day comes soon cuz imma bout go ballistic!!! But for now, I'll keep forcing smiles until my face know why? Cuz FATE says so!!

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