Monday, December 1, 2008


Ok....So I've been slacking again!!

Sorry guys! I promise this week's blogs will be on time and on point. You have my word.

I'm finally finished least until January. So I'm looking forward to enjoying my nice lonnng break. I have a lot of planning to do. Not just events, but more life planning. I'm 22 years old. I'm not a kid anymore. I've realized that I'm at a point where a lot of the decisions I make at this time, will have an effect on my life 10 years from now. No more fuck ups! I have to get it right. I had a great conversation with my Dad the other day and all he kept reiterating to me was that the only thing I have on my side is time. I'm still young. I have not a second to waste because those are seconds I can never get back.

I'm all about change right now. I'm blessed to have people around me that motivate and inspire me even when others are tying to bring me down. So to all those that have been there for me these last couple of weeks, (which were like hell for me!) thank u so very much! You're efforts did not go unnoticed. Poons Su-Q, Lilo, Tizzy Tiz, I love u all.



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