Wednesday, October 29, 2008


SooOOOoo...I totally have a major case of writer's block today! In a time like this, what would usually be worthless bullcrap, becomes blogworthy goodness! It took me FOREVER to complete the FAKIN thing so make sure u read it alllll the way thru! And if there happens to be spelling mistake and/or grammatical errors, TOO BAD! I was so cross eyed by the time I finished doing the damn thing that I didn't bother to proof read. There's a bunch of random backslashes(/) in my answers that i tried to edit it out...but i gave up halfway thru...nevertheless...ENJOY!!

60 Questions People Dont Ask Survey - Fun Myspace Survey'>

60 Questions People Dont Ask Survey

When's the last time you ran? - Last catch the Go train home from school!

Do your jeans have rips, tears, and holes in them? - My favourite pair of Parasucos have a big ass hole in the right thigh...but I REFUSE to throw them out!

What are you dreading right now? - SNOW!! WINTER!! ICE!! Anything and everything cold!

Do you celebrate 420? - Yes....and I always end up regretting it when I eventually get home and begin the never ending munchie fest

Do you get the full 8 hours of sleep a night? - Pfffffffff......I'm sorry... 8 hours? Sleep? In the same night?? Does such a miracle exist???

If anyone came to your house on your "lazy days" what would ya'll do? - Sleeping....

Who last grabbed your ass? - My! But I\'m SURE it was an accident....

Have you ever been on your school's track team? - Don't even get me started!! I'll have you AND everybody else that reads this know that i am a track SUPERSTAR!! no word of a lie! I shud have never ever quit....sorry Daddy...I know I crushed ur dreams :(

Do you own a pair of Converse? - Umm...sweat socks, yeah

Did you copy and paste this survey? - Not yet...but u bet ur ass I will!

Do you eat raw cookie dough? - Naw...shyt gives me a tummy ache! Unless it's in ice cream!

Have you ever kicked a vending machine? - Yep...and lost my shoe doing so. I don\'t recommend following in my footsteps.

Don't you hate it when the radio ruins good songs by playing them over and over? - Um...yeah, ie. Rihanna and T.I which I heard a total of 4 times in less that 1 hour today...damn local radio station (u know who u are!!!)

Do you watch Trading Spaces? - Nope...

How do you eat oreos? - I don't....does that count?

Have you ever stayed online for a very long time waiting for someone? - Sure....back in the ICQ days

Are you cocky? - Contrary to popular belief....Not even a little bit!

Could you live without a computer? - WHY WOULD U EVEN SAY SUCH A THING??? Obvvvvvviously not!!!

Do you wear your shoes in the house? - No...but when I was a kid everybody on TV did it and it looked to cool. I did it once and got a backhand. SO no...the answer is NO!

Who or what sleeps with you? - LMAO!! Ohhh man....ok...let me resist the urge to completely R-Rate this answer. I sleep with My Huskie (Buckxx), My Siberian Tiger(Stripes) and My rabbit (Thumper from Bambi). True story...

At what age did you find out that Santa wasn't real? - WHAT THE FAK DO U MEAN SANTA'S NOT REAL!?!?!?!?! dad thought it would be fun to share that disturbing fact with my bro and I on Christamas Eve when I was about....6. THANKS DADDY!!

How many phones, house phones and cell phones are in your house? - 5 active cell phones, about 15 just lying around, 2 house phones, a fax machine and a whoooole bunch of toy phones, courtesy of the youngr siblings.

What do you do when you're sad? - Cry...Scream...Cuss....Blog...exactly in that order...

Who would you call first if you won the lottery? - No one....that's just asking for trouble!

Last time you saw your best friend? - Too long!

Are you in high school? - Sometimes I honestly feel like I am...but no

What jewelry are you wearing? - My \"love\" ring, my blingin\' belly ring, my gold hoops, and my brand new gift, a Chanel bracelet. I'm shinin\' man I'm shinin\'!

Is anyone on your bad side now? - Suprisingly not...ask me again tomorrow and I might provide a list!

What's the first thing you do when you get online? - Check my email...then facebook...then's a vicious cycle...

Do you watch Grey's Anatomy? - Nope

How do most people spell your name? - B-O-S-S B-Y-T-C-H

Would you wear a boy/girlfriends clothes? - I have enough baggy white T's to last me a lifetime! Shout out to my supplier!! I promise I\'ll give them back one day.....maybe...but probably not

Where do you work? - S.....A.....G!!! brap brap!

What are you doing tomorrow? - Attending an 8 hour biz conference downtown. Now isn't that the like THE MOST exciting thing you've EVER heard??? At least their serving breakfast!

Is Justin Timberlake becoming the next Michael Jackson? - Fak no!! He's good but he sure as hell ain't Michael. If u ask me...I say Chris Brown\'s got next

Favorite name for a girl? - I'd tell u but then i'd have to kill u! It's the name of my unborn baby girl

Favorite name for a boy? - See above answer. Just switch the \"girl\" part to \"boy\"

Will you keep your last name when you get married? - I want to...only cuz I can't think of a last name that flows better with my first then \"Taylor

When was the last time you left your house? - At 8 am this morning

Do you return your cart? - Always! Then I use the 25cents that i get back to my myself a gumball!

Do you have a dishwasher? - Damn right! Her name is Ashley!

What noise do you hear? - What, like right now?? My tummy needs ice cream

Would you survive in prison? - I couldn't survive in my damn garage for more than an hour...what does that tell u??

Who is the youngest in your family? - My wittle baby brother...ok he\'s 8...still MY baby tho

If all of your friends were going on a road trip, who would most likey overpack? - Me, me, meee

Do you know anyone with the same name as you? - Tons...but it sounds best on me! Take that Ashley Taylor\'s of the world!!

What's the last thing you purchased? - Mr. Sub

Do your siblings ever pay for stuff for you? - My brother's known to pick me up a two peice meal and Chick'n Joy every now and then...

What brand are your pants right now? - Not I am not wearing any at this time

Ever been to Georgia (the state)? - I'd love to but

What irritates you most on the internet? - Haters posed as groupies

What brand is your digital camera? -!!

Do you watch movies with your parents? - Yeah me and my mom did \"Why Did I get Married\" the other night

What song best describes your life right now? - Comfortable-by Weezy F Baby

Do you own expensive perfume/cologne? - Of course dahhhling...Light Blue..Armani Code and a little teeeny vial of Chanel #5 that I only put on when I really REALLY like sombody

Are you taking college classes right now? - Holla at this Scholar!! I am getting my education on!


Do you get your hair cut every month? - When did that become a rule?

Do you go online everyday? - Not on purpose....

Will you pass this survey on to 5 people? - NOPE!! but I'll let them know where to find it

Take This 60 Questions People Dont Ask Survey and other href=>Myspace Surveys at

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