Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Let me tell you a little secret about myself...are u ready?? Here it goes...I Ashley Taylor, confess to being a possessive territorial bitch! *sigh* I feel so much better now that I've got that off my chest! It's something I've learned about myself, but have never really come to terms with it until recently. Let me explain....

Those of you who are regular readers of my irregular blog posts should know by now that I have somewhat of a fascination with pretty boys. It's goes back to my first ever crush when I was 5 years old. His name was Roberto Alomar, he was a shortstop on the Toronto Blue Jays. I was in love until I turned 8. It was at that point I was introduced to fresh meat...Dylan from 90210 (Luke Perry). Obsession is an understatement! I spent most of my 8th year on this planet fantasizing what it would like to have him walk me to my locker at West Beverly High School. My next door neighbour and I would spend countless hours playing "House" acting out scenes from the popular teenage drama. I would always be Brenda who, of course, was dating Dylan and she would be Donna, who was dating David. Then, one day, something happened that changed my life forever. My little friend decided that her relationship with "David" was no longer exciting for her. "I'm gonna be Brenda today," she informed me, "I want Dylan to be MY boyfriend for a change."

Silence. I felt my face get hot. My little hands balled up into tight fists. I broke out into a cold sweat. In my 5 year old mind, all I could think was "This bytch dun went too far!! " I thought I was going to kill her for even SUGGESTING that Dylan would even ever ENTERTAIN the idea of being her boyfriend! He belonged to ME!!! How dare she think that it would ever be any other way! Now, I can't share exactly what happened. All I know is Little-Miss-Switch-It-Up went home with a bloody nose, and I was sent to bed with no dinner!

So I guess you can say I realized I was a wee bit crazy back when I was a tot. Nowadays, I'm not quite as bad. However, is the possessive steak completely out of my system? I would be lying if I said yes. Sexy men come a dime a dozen. It takes more than just looks to keep my attention. That being said, when I do find a guy that I actually care about (which doesn't happen often) I dig my claws in deep. This is not due to jelousy, in fact, I love seeing other females' eyes bug out of their heads when they catch a glimpse of my arm candy. It's not due to insecurity, because I've learned that it takes a very confidant woman, to deal with a gorgeous man. So what exactly IS the root of my borderline physco internal reactions? I think I just hate to share! Simple! What's mine is mine and what's yours...can be perhaps be ours. Selfish? Maybe! Don't judge me!

Good men are few and far between! Who can blame me for wanting to hang on for dear life to mine?? From what I've learned from talking to other women about this topic, we as females experience a rush of guilty excitment when we catch their girlfriend's significant other checking us out, or being openly flirtatious. Is this something we should feel bad about? Or is it all innocent fun? This is a debate that can go on forever and a day! I know of several friendships that have been broken over "innocent fun" transforming in guilty pleasures. Trust me ladies, it's not worth it. I vowed to never in my life fight over a man. So why not make it easy for both of us and GET UR OWN!!!

And on that note...let this video be ur inspiration to keep ur hands out of the cookie jar!

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