Sunday, October 26, 2008


Ok....I have another secret for u guys. Listen closely cuz I'm only gonna say this once....This is hard for me to admit... but...I don't always get what I want. THERE!!! I CONFESS!! Sometimes, despite my efforts, things just aren't meant to be. I hate it, but I refuse to exhaust myself in attempt to force a situation that just isn't written in my book of life. Lately I've decided to step off the biggest up and down, round and round, twirly, spinny, flippy emotional roller coaster of my ENTIRE life!! Let me try to paint a picture for you guys. Hopefully most of you are familiar with the rides at Canada's Wonderland. Let's just say, my emotional roller coaster was comparable to Drop Zone.

Drop Zone, ironically enough, never really appealed to me when it first came out. I saw it, I heard all about it, i knew it LOOKED like fun, i just really didn't have the urge to get on it. It wasn't until one sunny summer day, something just told me to take a chance and try it out. If i liked it, i liked it. If i didn't well, shit...there were always Top Gun! So I got on with an open mind. As i sat in the seat and buckled up, I wondered to myself what type of thrill I was in for. The ride going up seemed to move at a snail's pace. I focused on my surroundings. The view from the bottom was filled with familiar sights and sounds; bright colours, cotton candy, children's laughter and screams of excitement. Nothing I hadn't seen before. As I got higher in the air, I noticed things that I would have never been able to see at ground level. I saw rooftops, highways, hills, valleys, big open fields... I felt like I had been lifted above the world that I had grown accustom to. This atmosphere was new and exciting. It brought on different obstacles and challenged my level of courage. It forced me to take in the beauty of my new surroundings while leaving behind the fear of being suspended practically in mid air.

As I reached the very top of the ride, it stopped for what seemed like forever. I took a deep breath and looked down at my world below. It was all so familiar, and safe. It was warm and welcoming. I looked up at this new world. It was majestic, bright, sparkling but uncertain. Could this new world ever really be mine to claim? Would I ever be able to deal with the flashing lights and constant motion of the highways and back roads. Sure there were big open fields, which were beautiful and seemed like a peaceful place to run and escape from the fast lane, but when I get there, will I be alone? Or is this the hiding place of so many other newcomers that were drawn in to this glittery new life? Right at the moment I was about to make my decision, I plummeted. I was ripped from the sky and thrown back down to ground level...back to my world. I was safe. I was home.

Do I wish I could have been apart of the new world? I would be lying if i said no. Who's to say what will happen in the future. Maybe when I outgrow this world, and feel the need to move on to a new one, I'll know exactly what I'm getting myself into. I can go forth and learn to appreciate the beauty instead of always being in fear of falling from the sky.


Malik Melech Solomon said...

Heh Miss Taylor, Its Malik - Anaya`s peoples, sayin wasup...and your most recent post was pretty intense, all of those things are life altering but life teaching experiences...hope all is well.

Check out our company blog:

Miss Taylor said...

Thank u Malik. It's all straight from the heart. I'm enjoying the learing experience. I appreciate the feedback!
Keep reading!!

Take care!!