Thursday, October 30, 2008

What about your friends....?

As I might have mentioned before, I, Ashley Taylor, am a lover...not a fighter. I love everybody, or I at least try to. It's hard to trust people in this day and age. A lot of females seem to have good intentions when really, they hang around you for their own selfish reasons. These reasons can easily be disguised with kindness and admiration, which gives you a false sense of security that these people can be trusted. WRONG!!! Fool me once, shame on u. Fool me twice, shame on me. I have been lied to, snitched on, walked over, taken for granted and back stabbed in the past. All by people I considered very good friends of mine. I've learned my lesson. I keep a VERY tight circle consisting of girls I've know since I was 10. Nothing hurts more than finding out someone you trusted with your secrets, ur deepest and most intimate thoughts, has betrayed you. Over that past couple years I have of course made new friends. Some of which I truly hold dear, some I keep at arms length. There's a fine line between a "friend" and an acquaintance". I have few friends. I have countless acquaintances. Let me break it down:

If you know where I live and have even entered my house a few times before, you are an acquaintance.
If you practically live at my house, chill in my room at refer to my mother as "Mom" you are a friend.

If the only time we ever see each other is when we're dressed to kill, sippin champagne at the hottest parties, you are my acquaintance.
If you have woken up beside me with morning breath and no make up, you are my friend.

If we share the bill, you are my acquaintance.
If we've shared tears, you are my friend.

If you're on my blackberry messenger, you are my acquaintance
If you're on my speed dial, you are my friend.

If we still call each other hunnie, sweetie, girly, or each other's myspace names you are my acquaintance.
If I refer to u as my "nigga" my "bytch", my "hoe" or other endearing terms, you are my friend.

I can go onnn and onnnnn and onnnn! Instead let me just take a moment to shout out my most favourite chicas.


Poonam: You have been there for me every step of my post high school life. The smartest thing I ever did was make that phone call to tell u that I had a dream about ur stupid bingo monologue. We have been inseperable ever since and I don't know what I would do without u. I trust you with my life and love u with all my heart.


Lilo: Our friendship has been tested by COUNTLESS people! I still can't figure out why so many people wanted us to hate each other's guts! Maybe cuz they knew that together u and I are nothing short of a powerhouse! We've had our rough patches over the years but we've always made it through. I appreciate your friendship more than I can ever describe! Nothing will ever come between us! Not even a boy! Promise!! Love you so much mama!


SUZY Q: GOOD LORD WOMAN!! I swear U are gonna be the death of me!! (God forbid!)
The amount of shiiiiit that U and I have been thru in the past year has been ridiculous!!! I can honestly say, I want to slap the fak out of u and hug u at the same time!! Nevertheless, I have never gotten along with someone so well, so quickly. Even tho certain assholes cursed our friendship from day one, we've made it thru. I want the very best for you and will always do what I can to keep you focused on your goals. Thank you for the long walks, the green box chats, and for just being you. I love u my nigga.


MISS INDEPENDANT: She got her own thing...that's why I love herrrrr!! Sade man, what can I say? Bytch, you on point!! I've always admired your "don't fuck with me attitude". That's why I never do!! lol! We've known each other for almost 13 years and though we've both evolved into different people with different lives, we managed to keep our friendship strong. I am so proud of all that you've accomplished. You really are an inspiration. I know I don't tell you enough but I love you bytch! I'm here for u till i'm old, saggy and gray. Dill Pickle Sunday for life my nigga!!

DOWN ASS BYTCH: If Mr. Man hadn't put that ring on ur finger, I would have!! U my dear, are truly one of a kind. I can understand why he wants to spend the rest of his life with u. Who wouldn't?? I can't even sum up out friendship! I'll save that for the wedding! All I can say is that for 13 years you have been like a sister to me. Nobody walking this earth has made me laugh as much as you have. You were crazy when I met you, and ur even crazier now! And I love you so very much and hope that you never ever change! Ur life has been filled with so many blessing and I'm glad that you have shared the blessing of your freindship with me. I LOVE U, U FUCKIN BYTCH!!!


MISS DILL: Guy, I know ur not an internet fan, but I hope this message finds you on time! lol! What the fuck is there to say about u and me?? You are the love of my life! I love everything you do, I love everything you say...u are so wild and free spirited. Mannnnn....I just love u to death. I know you and me hardly ever get to see each other anymore but when we do, it's magical! I cherish every moment I spend with u. I admire your strenth, your courage, your sense of humor...Like, I'm laughing right now just reflecting on some of the things we've been thru in the past 13 bloodclot years!! ANd girrrl, we've been thru some SHIT!! From Genuwine obsessions, to Snoop Dogg voice mails and everything in between!I love you more than u'll ever know.


EVA: Shaaaannnda P!! Man, I haven't even known u that long but I feel like u and I clicked from day one. You are so much like me in so many ways that it scares me! I never feel like I have to over explain anything to u! I say it once, and u get it instantly! Or u at least pretend to! lol! But really tho, you are an amazing person wih an amazing heart and I'm really grateful for your friendship! Here's to many more years and much more drama! Fun drama!! U know how we do! ;) Love you!!


MISS HAYES: Anaya, I know ur too busy to fit me in ur schedule BUT I still love u! You are super talented, super ambitious, and super SUPER hard working! U might be one of the most misunderstood people that I know, but I truly feel that I got a chance to know the real you which is why I stand behind you and will support you in everything you do!!

and last but CERTAINLY not least


WIFEY: It makes me cry when I think about all the fun we used to have! The power clubbing we used to do. The bottles we used to pop....well, the bottles we used to watch pop and then partake in!! lol! I don't even remember how we met! All I rememeber is falling in love and bussing jokes NON STOP!! You are a diva in every sense of the word! I am so happy we found each other! There's no one that can cheer me up faster than you. Anytime u need me, I will be there (with a hot bowl of pumkin soup and a fresh banana straight off the hanger!!) I love u!!!!




Anaya Hayes said...


....but never too busy to leave a comment!.....
nothing but love mama..
if ur in nyc anytime soon, come check a bitch!
im trillll niggaaa!!!

and p.s
the banana hanger joke was MINE! grrrr...


Miss Taylor said...

lol!! true!! u are the one tht first noticed the banana hanger! ah well! we could all share the laugh! :)