Thursday, March 5, 2009


Once again, I know I've been sloppy with my blog postings. Forgive me. I'm sick!! I have a bad cold that I caught from my lovely friend Sade! Thanks again bytch!! It all took place on a lovely bus trip to CasinoRama, on a lovely Saturday morning. It was going to be my first time going to the casino and actually gambling, so I was very excited! I was ok with the 62 hour bus ride cuz the seats were comfortable and I was feeling lucky!

When we pulled up, one of the reps from the casino came on the bus to greet us and make sure we all had our I.D to prove we're over 19. When it came time for her to check mine, I confidently reached into my wallet and pulled out my bank card, mistaking it for my health card which I then remembered was sitting on my dresser at home, a million freakin miles away. Needless to say, I was f*cked!!! They didn't even CONSIDER letting my ass in!! They turned me away in disgust!! I begged and pleaded and even faked a few tears but all I kept hearing was "Policy, Policy, Policy...." Screw you Casino guards!!! Ya'll take ur jobs wayyyyyy too seriously! Anyway, I ended up at the hotel spa next door with my lovely friend Sade, leaving behind my lovely friend Leah, who put the whole trip together in the first place!! And if I wasn't such a dingbat, we all could have enjoyed a day at the old casino together!! But noooo!! Instead, Sade and I enjoyed spa treatments, gossip magazines and a lovely lunch and the hotel restaurant.


Oh yeah...I was explaining why I'm sick right?? Ok well somewhere between the pedicure and the club sandwich, Sade must have coughed on me or something cuz now I'm sitting here in a robe with tissue stuffed up my nose. Sexy huh??
I would take a picture and post it but I could almost guarantee I would lost at least 75% of my readers.

Ok well starting now I will be more consist ant with my postings! Promise!!
I'm working on a loooooooooot right now and I'm getting more and more excited about spring/summer coming.

So stay tuned, and please forgive my slacking!!

Luv you guys!!


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