Friday, February 27, 2009

A little appreciation

Let me ask you guys a question: How many of you are truly thankful to be alive? I mean, like you wake up everyday and reflect on how fourtunate you are to have a bed to sleep in, food to eat, clothes on your back and a roof over your head? I find more and more, our generations is made up of a bunch of people that take life for granted. We would rather spend more time talking on out Blackberries about how many bottles we popped or how many pairs of shoes we have thank being thankful that we live in a county where so many things are practically handed to us. To make matters worse, we have the nerve to complain about the stupidest, most insignificant things such as the lineup at the LCBO on a friday night or the fact that we had to wait 30 minutes to be seated at that trendy new restuarant downtown.

I'm just as guilty as any of you for doing this. When my laptop crashes, its the end of the word for me. If I sleep in and miss my pilates class at the gym, all hell breaks loose. But recently, I've learned to take time out to refelect on my many blessings. There is so much I take for granted on a daily basis. For example the fact that I am blessed with 4 siblings, and 2 strong healthy parents, the fact that I have the opputunity to share my stories with all of you, that fact that I have the ability to type, the vision to read and the common sence to do a spell check at the end of it so that I appear smarter than I actually am!! ;)

I challenge all of you to take a good look at your own lives. Some of you may be going through some hard times emotionally right now. I understand. Just keep in mind, there will always be someone else in the world going through something a little more unfourtunate than you. And if that's not enough to bring you comfort, stop and count your blessings. Sunshine is hard to see through the storm, however storms are only temporary. So for a few minutes a day, just take the time out to say one simple word "Thanks!"

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