Monday, February 2, 2009

Random facts about moi

Soooo...due to the tornado that's ripping apart my life right now, I'm not very creative at this present moment in time!! However, as you can tell, I'm still quite dramatic!! :) SO what I've decided to do is STEAL...yes STEAL a blog topic from a facebook friend of mine where I will share random, useless facts about myself. The reason why is becuz any other topics involves thinking, which unfortunately my brain is not able to do right now. Like I always say, when in doubt, blab about yourself! So here we go...

1) I was born on a Tuesday and for the longest time, I didn't have a name. My little hospital card read "Taylor Girl" where my name was supposed to be inserted. My parents were probably so unenthused about me entering the world that they decided not to name me until they realized they couldn't keep referring to me as "Taylor Girl." They then thought long and hard and came up with "Ashley!" How original!! Love you guys!!

2) My grade 10 history teacher informed me that my name contains "the mark of the Beast" simply because each one contains 6 letters: A-S-H-L-E-Y...R-A-C-H-E-L....T-A-Y-L-O-R!
Isn't that comforting?? I thought so!!

3) My older brother punched my tooth out on my 6th birthday. I was most distraught and refused to go to school.

4) I have a disgustingly horrific fear of insects of all shapes and sizes. From lady bugs to friggin dragon flies! I hate them all!!! (With the exception of butterflies of course)

5) I taught myself to swim in 1 day. 1 single day! I just jumped in the deep end, and figured it out from there. Sadly, I consider this one of my biggest accomplishments in life!

6) I lovvvvve Action movies. They are my favourite! Anything with car chases, explosions, villains, and guns...I'm good to go! Bruce Willis is my hero! However, I HATE HORROR MOVIES!! No thanks!!! I refuse to even be in the same room that a horror movie might be playing in. The movie Saw ruined my life and gave me nightmares for about 8 and a half months. I'm not to old to sleep in my mommy's room! Trust me!!

7) I hide snacks under my bed and eat them in the middle of the night. Nobody ever knows about them becuz I don't share them with anyone! Most often, I keep a box of pecan passion cookies or two bite brownies...but shhh...that's our little secret!!

8) I have a very bad temper. Not a lot of people would know this cuz I'm usually very quiet and conflict free. But those of you who have seen me when I've reached a boiling know what it is!! I am known to throw diva tantrums Naomi Campbell style. What can I say? The lady inspires me!! So if you see my cell phone flying through the air...DUCK BYTCHES!!!!

9) I still sleep with stuffed animals. 3 to be exact. I can't live without them. They need me and dammit, I need them!!

10) I don't sweat or burp!! I think I'm a mutant or something becuz really and truly I can be sprinting in 100+ degrees and not a drop of sweat will leak from my pores. As for burping, the only time one might ever occur is after I drink, like a litre of soda (which I don't ever do). But when I do eventually burp, I get super excited and nobody around me ever understands why. Weird huh?

11) I can't whistle. I used to be able to but for some reason, my grandfather used to tell me that "females weren't supposed to whistle." So I stopped and now I've forgotten how!!

12) I get bored VERY VERRRRRRRRY easily. Let me give you a list of all the recreational activities I've started and quit in my lifetime: swimming, basketball, gymnastics, ballet, dance, soccer, Navy Cadets (don't ask), piano and drumming lessons, yoga, pilates, belly dance, track and field (regrettably), runway classes, flare bartending, ohhh and the list goes onnn and onnnn an onnnn!!!

Are u bored yet?? Ok let's get to the good stuff...

13) I am a very passionate person. I am passionate about life, I am passionate about my future, I am passionate about the things I enjoy doing and the people around me. When I care about something or someone, it becomes the most important thing to me and all my time is spent working on improving it.

14) I'm stupidly ticklish. Like, I almost have a fear of being tickled! It's bad. I feel like I'm having a seizure! It seems to get worse over the years. The older I get the more ticklish I become. By the time I'm 50 I won't even be able to blow my nose without dying of laughter. Can't wait!! :)

15) I hate liars. I HATTTTEEE being lied to!! It makes me crazy. I am a very open and honest person, in case you couldn't tell by now, so I see no reason why people can't extend me the same courtesy. Just tell the freakin truth!! What's the worst that can happen??

16) I am very much in tune to the spiritual world. What does that mean exactly?? I don't know, it just sounded good! No really, I can see people's auras. I can tell right of the bat whether someone is a good person or not. I believe that a lot of answers are given to us in our dreams. I believe very much in soul searching. There's not much more I can say without sounding like a whacked out Miss Cleo, so lets just end it there!

17) I love stupid reality shows; The Bachelor, The Simple Life, The Real World, My BFF, Baldwin Hills, all that junk!! I never follow them closely enough to know what's going on every week, but then I'm bored, it's quite entertaining!!

18) I eat like a piggy. It's been brought to my attention numerous times that I consume more food in a shorter period of time than most guys I know,(especially one in particular that likes to store his food in his cheeks for long periods of time!)
Indeed, I love food, and I would say that eating is probably my favourite thing to do in life. I eat when I'm happy, I eat when I'm sad, I eat when I'm hungry and I eat when I'm full...and no, I don't puke it up afterwords!! Jerks!!
As long as there's no swine, I'm down to dine anytime!! True story...

19) I am a nerd to the core! I'm not cool, I'm not hip, I'm not trendy, I'm not popular. I'm a geek who stays home on weekends and waits till someone is bored enough to phone me. Most of the time when I answer, I come to realize that the person's phone called me by accident becuz I happen to be under "A" in their address book!! LOL!!!

and last but not least....

The pressure's on....

I feel like this last one has to be the best....

Hmmm..... I go...Are you ready??

20) My first kiss was in grade 6...his name was Peter!! It was at a birthday party during a stupid game that we REALLY should not have been playing at that age! He had braces. I was so disturbed by the whole event that I didn't kiss again till high school!!

So there you have it! 20 random, useless facts about me!!! Any questions...?

Ps: Shoutout to my little chipmunk cheeks who's probably got a chunk of chicken teriyaki sub stored in his cheek as we speak!! Love you!!!

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