Thursday, February 12, 2009

In Conclusion...

Breakups are tough. Especially when they occur a few days before Valentine's Day. It's not the easiest thing in the world to try to act strong and independant when everywhere you go you see couples dry humping each other in the middle of the street. Who the hell invented such a stupid fu*kin day anyways??? What a waste of 24 hours! Am i bitter? Can u tell? However, me being the super positive ray of sunshine that I am, have decided to look on the bright side of this whole shitty situation. It took almost a year of stress, fights, and tears for me to realize what I really want out of life/love. And for the first time throughout this journey, I can walk away smiling. I have loved, I have laughed and I have learned all I've needed to learn. In case you didn't notice I'm still alive!! Which can only mean that crock of bullshit only made me stronger! The games have ended...I can finally breathe, recoup, and reinvent myself. When relationships fail, it's hard to accept, but I know that it would have been harder had I not tried my best. People are like fine wine, they only get better with age. I feel I only get better with experience. I hold no grudges nor do I have any shit talking left in my system. It's all love and I thank him for finally allowing me to get off the roller coaster. It was a ride of a lifetime, one that I will never forget.

AND ON THAT NOTE.....this is totally random but someone on Facebook asked me if I feel comfortable posting pics of me bare faced with no make-up. My answer is yes!!!

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