Thursday, February 5, 2009


I lovvvvve music! All genres, all artists, all different languages....I just love the stuff!!! I find it amazing how listening to a few seconds of a particular song can instantly bring us back to a moment or period of our past. You get those butterflies in your stomach as your memory is triggered and brought back to the good old days. It's enough to bring tears to your eyes; sometimes happy, sometimes sad.

It's funny, at the time, the song might have been nothing more than a smash hit, receiving more airtime than necessary. But after a few years, hearing it again gives it a whole new meaning. You can appreciate it. It makes you reflect on how different your life is now than it was back then. The lyrics make more sense to you. The beat makes you move in a different way. It's as if you're listening to a whole new song, simply because you're at a different stage in you're life. Do you know what I'm talking about? I'm sure you do. I think everybody has at least one or two that they can think of.

The song I'm about to share with you used to be one of my favourites when I was in grade 5. My crush lip synched it to me at a birthday party and it's been cherished ever since. Recently, this song came back into my life with a vengeance. Its meaning, as I said, has completely changed. Not only do I have a better understanding of the lyrics, but I happen to be living them as we speak. The feeling I get, just from the first 2 notes, is more than I can describe, although, If I tried, I wouldn't quite describe them as butterflies; more like several ferocious dragons ripping apart my insides!! Yes...that's definitely more accurate!!

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