Monday, March 16, 2009

Ask Yourself....

Greetings everyone! Hope all is well.

I just got home from a coffee run with my one of bestest in the word, Natalina (I love u Poons). We got to talkin about some of the issues going on in our lives right now and of course, the conversation tuned to the topic of men. She shared with me a quote which I thought was very simple yet so effective. It's a little something that us ladies (and gentlemen) should stop and ask ourselves next time we're going over that little hump with our significant others, or even just a potential love interest. Here it is: "If this individual doesn't make me smile everyday, are they really worth my time?" Now when I stopped to think about this I decided that this could very well be the easiest, most straight forward method of finding out if you're going to be happy with someone or not.

It's not even necessary to speak to that person everyday. The thought of them alone should be enough to put a smile on your face. Not just any smile either! It should be one of those super goofy stupid smiles that take over your face when you think about something that they said or did. And it should occur and the most random times, like when your pushing your cart down the snack isle at the grocery store and you see "Munchies" on sale for $3.99 and you start giggling uncontrollably becuz you remember how cute he is when he's munching on his Munchies...and everyone in the store is staring at you cuz you're all by yourself laughing like a friggin lunatic while you fill your cart with 16 bags of Munchies......Or maybe that's just me!! Yes...perhaps I'm alone on that one! But you get my point!

Anyone who's worth thinking of will cross your mind several times a day. Those thoughts should bring a smile to your face every time. Not to mention the happy dance that you should feel compelled to perform when you see that person's name display on your caller I.D. It doesn't matter WHERE you are! Being able to drop everything and engage in some happy dancing when he/she calls you is a sure sign of a solid future. Take it from me!!

So to the one that makes me smile countless times a day, I thank you. I thank you for all the funny memories that play in my mind over and over. Thank you for still giving me butterflies when the little smiley face next to your name on my Blackberry messenger lights up. Thank you for being my inspiration to watch the Food Network and learning to make something other than grilled cheese sandwiches. And last of all, thank you for having such a sexy caller I.D picture which makes me stop and do the running man, crip walk, Harlem shake a little bit of a Dutty Wine when you call me. True story.....

Relationships are never perfect. Not every day will be flawless. However, you know that person is truly special if they never fail to make you smile.


Miss Taylor

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