Friday, March 6, 2009

The Awakening

Every now and then we'll find ourselves in a situation where somebody might express an opinion about you that is totally false and borderline offensive. When this occurs, out first reaction is to play the victim role. We might get overly emotional over the comment or become extremely defensive. We ask ourselves, how DARE he/she have that particular image of me in their mind? More so, how DARE they even have the nerve to express it that way! We spend all kinds of time dwelling and perhaps even beating ourselves up over it, when really, the logical thing to do would be this: Ask yourself what it is that YOU put out there to cause any individual to form that particular opinion of you that you find so very offensive. What have you done to contribute to that image? How are you different from the person they are accusing of being? Today, I had a wake up call. At first, I would consider it more of a slap in the fucking face, but when I thought about it more, I took it as a blessing in disguise.

Now, I'm no super feminist or anything, but myself, as a young women, can sometimes be lured into believing that if you happen to look a certain way, the world will be handed to you on a silver patter. We listen to song after song of rappers like Jay-Z talking about all the shopping sprees and first class private jet trips he wants to provide for his "girl". Sure, it sounds nice and all, but here's what I say to you Jigga man; Please take your private jet, unlimited credit cards, and endless cash flow, shine them up real nice, turn that son of a bytch sideways, and shove it right up your candy ass!! (Sorry, I couldn't resist!) All your shiny blingin' bullshit is blinding me from accomplishing my real goal: To be an independent, self sufficient, strong black, beautiful woman! Sure you got the hottest chick in the game wearing your chain but guess what Hov, she was the hottest chick in the game even before you started playing by her rules.

Today, I had to stop and ask myself what it is I'm putting out there that might give others the slightest idea that I need or even WANT to be taken care of. I was never told by anyone that anything in this world would ever be handed to me on a silver platter. Who in my life was really gonna tell me that? Perhaps my single mother who has worked her fingers to the bone to ensure that all of her chidren were spoiled brats? Not quite. Along the way, I have been sidetracked. I'm not to proud ti admit that. However, what I have come to realize is that when I came into this world, I was alone. I didn't come out of the womb with a sugar daddy trailing behind me. So, then why 22 years later should I be looking over my shoulder to see if there's one to fall back on?

In attempt to ensure nobody is OFFENDED by my opinion in this posting, I'm gonna keep this short and sweet.

It's said that women are nurturers while men are providers. My main focus is to nurture my bank account with large amounts and provide myself with the satisfaction of knowing I did it on my own.

Take this in...


In the Eye's of Leah said...

YOU GO GIRL....great post and even better message XOXO

Anonymous said...

Wow let's talk about how I had a SILLY HO moment this week. thanks for this