Monday, November 3, 2008

Rebirth of A Woman

Today, is a new day.
Different from yesterday in so many ways...

Today, I wake up feeling refreshed and relieved. Today is the start of something new. Today is special. Today will be cherished. Today will be honored. Although I have woken up on many mornings just like this one, today is different....this is the day that not only will I wake up, but for the first time in a long time, I will open my eyes.

You see, for longer than I care to admit, I was in a deep sleep...too deep to get out of. I tried to make light of a dark situation. I convinced myself that I was in a place that I needed to be in. For so long, I tried to turn my reoccurring nightmare into a daydream. No longer will this be. Today I am at peace. Today I can sleep knowing that your loss is my gain. My vision is no longer distorted, my heart no longer heavy. The pain I felt is no more. I've decided I am worth so much more than you could offer. I refuse to pretend that I enjoy the feel of rain when in reality, the sun feels so much warmer on my skin. I will not settle for the coldness and inconstancy of the rain when I can bask in the warmth of the rays within my soul.
I've been blessed with internal sun. And it will shine on the one who I will call my own. Not on you....not today...not ever again.

Writen By: Ashley Taylor

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