Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Goodnight Snitches!!

Man, I really wanted to get into some hot topics tonight but I'm just tooo dammnnnn tiiiirredddd!!! WHAT A DAY!! School's been kicking my ass, the more I eat, the hungrier I get AND for some strange reason my left elbow is NUMB!! Like...completely numb!! How the hell do u get a numb elbow?? I need to sleep off this mess!

But before I go, I wanna send a HUGE congratulations to my homeboy Buckxx!! He is now a proud father of a beeeeaaaautiful little Princess. I'm so happy for you Papa Fray! Can't wait to kiss her wittle nose!!

As for the rest of you, come back tomorrow...huge topic....I'll give u a clue...S....E....X!


Night night!!


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