Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What makes a man SEXY???

SO....after reading a very insightful write up by a friend of mine on Facebook, I got the brilliant idea of letting you all know what myself, and girls like me think makes a guy SEXXXXXY. There will be no sugar coating here. This is the raw, brutal, uncensored truth!! I asked my friends to give me their top 3 contributing factors that make a man sexy. Here's what some of them had to say:

Diva 1: "Ambition, cut body, and eyes that scan and undress the body...preferably mine!"

Diva 2: "Swagger, Independence and a beautiful smile"

Diva 3: "Lips, body, eyes, sense of humor and sense of romance. That's sexy to me!"

Diva 4: "Money Money Money" (Keep in mind Diva 4 was a friend OF A friend!! lol)

So as you can see, the list is made up of physical attributes as well as personality traits. Although both are very important, I think most girls would agree that it might be the physical attributes that originally attract us, but it's the personality traits that make us stay. Now...I'm gonna break down MY personal opinion on what I think makes a guy sexy. These are things that draw me in like a bee to honey. This is top secret information that I usually would not put out in the open like I am about to do. HOWEVER, I really do consider my blog my online diary. Therefore I choose to censor very little. I will always speak my mind and hope that you guys can handle it!
So here we go,

SENSE OF HUMOR: I know u all think I'm super cool, but not many people know the truth. The truth is that I am a SUPER NERD!! I love to laugh. If a man can make me laugh, I'm instantly attracted to him, no questions asked. Guys: that doesn't mean that you have to be a stand up comedian. A sense of humour is not limited to a guy being the one to make me laugh. I want to be able to use my crazy antics to crack him up too!! Remember, I'm a GOOF! I simply love a man that doesn't take himself too seriously, despite how important he may be. If you are able to laugh at yourself, that says a lot about your security level...which brings me to my next point....

CONFIDENCE: I think I speak for all ladies when I say a confidant man, is a very very sexy man. Now, please note that there is a fine line between CONFIDENCE and COCKINESS. Confidence shows from the minute a man approaches a lady. You can tell by the way he talks: Is he nervous? Is he tripping over his words? Is he looking into your eyes or staring at the wall behind you? Believe it or not, these are all things women notice right off the bat. Men: you're approach says A LOT about you as a person. So make sure it's ON POINT!! If you're not ready to go in for the kill, take a moment to relax, smoke a spliff, take a shot of whatever you have to do to show that you are confidant enough to get that girl.
Cockiness never prevails! It stinks!! Ok...I lie...It's sexy for about 15 seconds. Then it stinks...really KEEP IT TO URSELF ASSHOLE!! Next on the list is...

Ok, so I have a problem making eye contact with people that I don't know well. Yes I's always been a flaw of mine. It wasn't until I met a guy who had these eyes that made it impossible for me to look away. Ever!! It was the craziest thing. He used them to lock me in and just like that, every word he spoke became so much more interesting. That's when I realized how incredibly sexy it is for a man to look me dead in my eyes while he's talking...or singing, dancing, kissing...ok not kissing cuz that would just be freaky! It shows EXTREME confidence. Of course, it's a big bonus when that guy happens to have beeeeautiful eyes (we'll talk more about that a little later!)

Next on my list is verrrry important...

SWAGGER: This is just one of those things that are so hard to put into words. There are so many different styles of swagg. Some men have too much for their own good while other, wouldn't know swagg if it slapped them in their no-swagg-having face!! It's all good...we can work on it fellas! Ashley's here to help!

Truth is, if I actually break it down as much as I feel is necessary, I'll have no room for anything else. Sooo what I'm gonna do it dedicate my next blog entirely to defining SWAGGER. Sound good?? Allllrighhhtty then!! Stay tuned....

Let's get to the good stuff already!!

EYES: I've already touched on the importance of eye contact. Now let's talk about why eyes undeniably play a role in a man's sexiness. Eyes are indeed the windows to the soul. They have the power to reel us in, lock us down and mesmerize the hell out of us! A man with beautifully shaped or beautifully coloured eyes are a major turn on. I have no colour preference. I've fallen for everything from deep, dark brown and slanted to big, wide and ice blue. In fact, it's not so much about the appearance of the eyes as it is about the power behind them. The eyes can tell so much about the person and what they've seen throughout their lives. SEXY!! I love it! Please note that naturally slanted eyes are extremely beautiful as opposed to "I-just-smoked-a-big-ass-blunt" slanted eyes which are scary! Get some damn Visine and move it alone! Don't come at me lookin' like Creeper from the Back Lagoon trying to holler! Nigga how many fingers am I holding up?? That's what I thought!! You and Century Sam need to pack it up and dip from my presence! Thanks for coming out!!

*Ahem*....let's move on, shall we?

LIPS/SMILE: Ok!! Now we're talkin'!! Fellas: LIPS CAN MAKE YOU OR BREAK YOU!! Believe that!! We want, soft, full, firm and shapely. Simple! So keep that cherry chap stick handy and apply often! And please PLEASE make sure ur not a wack kisser! Your kissing skills (or lack thereof) is probably one of the MOST IMPORTANT contributing factors to whether a girl can take you seriously or not. True story! We should never have to use a towel to dry off our faces after a kiss! Do not lick my teeth, do not tickle my tonsils and PLEASE DO NOT HAVE ROTTEN BREATH!!! Never underestimate the power of a toothbrush and a little mouthwash! They work wonders! Trust me!

A man's smile can also heighten his level of sexy. Personally I like the slow, seductive smirks. There's a certain amount of mystery behind them that blows my mind. Of course everyone loves the 100 watt Colgate smile! You can never go wrong with a million dollar smile. Throw in some's a wrap!!

Let me try my best not to get carried away with this one! Here we go:
6 feet and up, broad shoulders, long thick neck, nice toned arms, firm, flat abs, big strong legs, nice bum, and tats (as many as possible without looking like a graffiti wall!) This is what I consider a perfect male body! Having said that, this doesn't mean that that's all I look for in a man, nor does it mean that I wouldn't talk to a guy that doesn't fit this entire description. All it is, it my perception of the perfect male body. Those of you that agree...agree. Those of you who don't agree or are offended by this in anyway...I'm sorry, but I did warn you in the beginning that this was gonna be raw and uncensored!!
Ps: Some of you may already know this but one of my biggest weaknesses is a man with a tattoo or several tattoos on his neck. I'm not gonna go into detail here...all I'm gonna say is SEXXXY...with 3 x's.

MIND: There is such thing as a "Mind Sex." It's not just a myth. I know this becuz I've had it before. Trust when I say, it's a beautiful thing. It takes a special kind of mind to be able to engage in this type of metal foreplay. There have been guys in the past that I hadn't been attracted to until they opened their mouths and completely won me over with intense conversation. It doesn't have to be about any topic in particular, but a man uses his words and knowledge to stimulate you and really make you say "Hmmmm....I never thought of it that way before" is a VERY VERY VERRRRRRRRRRY sexy man in my books. A sexy mind shows passion, intellect, creativity and so much. A sexy man should never be afraid to share what's on his sexy mind. And a sexy girl should be more than happy to listen!

So there you have it ladies and gentleman!! This is my personal opinion on some of the factors that make a man SEXY! I'd love to hear your feedback so drop me a line!!


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