Monday, November 10, 2008


It's late Monday night and I'm still recovering from a CRAZY weekend!! I had to make up for last weekend, which I decided to spend glued to my couch like a bump on a fakin log for 3 days straight!! How awfully depressing!! This friday I spent hanging out with my good girlfriend Suzy Q. We stayed local and hung out with a few others. I can't even begin to share some of the jokes we cracked that night!! It was too much!! However, we had to be in bed by a reasonable time to rest up for her big gig the following night. She was booked to host Toronto's very own DJ Starting from Scratch's birthday party at Solarium.

WHAT A NIGHT!!! We had a blast! Everyone was dressed to kill and it was nice to see so many Torontonians come out to celebrate the birthday of such a talented individual. Of course we had Suzy Q doing what she does best! Can't wait to see the video footage. Those of who weren't there, y'all missed out on a good one!

Shoutouts to all the girls I was rolling with that night. We were like 15 deep up in that piece!! lol!

Everyone of you ladies looked GORGE!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

why ashley why the pic wit my eyes closed lol