Tuesday, March 31, 2009

How well do YOU know YOU??

All About Me Survey from Quizopolis.com

This is a powerful test to see how well u know yourself. I literally completed this in less than 2 minutes without even thinking about the answers...they just came out. I always talk about how important it is to be your own best friend and to know yourself inside and out. It's funny completely a few sentences can teach you so much about yourself, as a person. How well do YOU know YOU??

I Am- A strong minded beautiful woman
I Want - the best life has to offer me
I Have - a life filled with blessings
I Wish - that I could be motivated to do better everyday
I Hate - not knowing what the future holds
I Fear - being disappointed
I Hear - my inner voice guiding me
I Search - for answers within myself
I Wonder - what my purpose is in life
I Regret - wasting so much time
I Love - to love
I Ache - to feel what I give out
I Always - try to see the good in every situation
I Usually - am a positive thinker
I Am Not - easily forgotten
I Dance - when i feel like it
I Sing - whenever I want
I Never - say never
I Rarely - open up to strangers
I Cry - when i hurt inside
I Am Not Always - confident in myself
I Lose - my temper

I'm- Confused - a lot of the time
I Need - to feel complete
I Should - spend more time with my family
I Dream - of living happily ever after

Monday, March 30, 2009




And I thought I was an impulse buyer!

Confessions of a Shopaholic part 2??? I think so!! We went in for a blender and came out with isles 1 thru 24 of Kitchen Stuff Plus. That little head u see poking out would be mine....4 hours later! I'm hungry, tired and wondering why the hell I didn't just go in for the blender myself! Only problem is, he forgot he drove a little toy car and NOT a Greyhound bus!! Keep in mind the ENTIRE trunk is also overflowing with purchases. Consequently, Ashley drowns in shopping bags. Good times....


Ok, so this past week I've been SUUUUUPPPERRRR busy! I'm sorry I haven't had time to post consistently. Lately my days have been jam packed with running errands and organizing little events I have coming up very soon. Soooo, a lot has changed since my last post! To start, I am now 1 whole entire year older. That's right guys. For those of u who don't know, I had a birthday on Friday March 27th 2009. I am now officially old. And no, I will no share exactly how old. A lady never tells!! Thank u for the overwhelming amount of Facebook b-day shoutouts. I will NEVER be able to get back to all of u, but please accept my great big general THANK YOU!! You guys are awwwwsssomme! Other than that, I will be extremely busy over the next month. Things are looking up for ur girl. I'm going to be spending a lot of time developing my business and getting the opportunity to be working with some of the most talented people in the city. So stay tuned! There will also be quite a few exciting changes made to this very blog so look out for them!

I will be posting pics from my highly anticipated little post b-day exclusive dinner party so check back soon to get a glimpse of those! I'm sure they'll be quite entertaining!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

This is why I love him

By now I'm sure you all know how much I ADORE Mr. Pharrell Williams. He just seems so cute and dopey (just how I like 'em) Check him out at an airport McDonalds in Paris. He attempts to entertain the employees with his little song on dance, however, they just seem annoyed and confused. Don't they know real talent when they see it???? Shooot.....if he walked into my McDonalds....it'd be a whooollle other story!!


Monday, March 23, 2009

Love, Sex, Magic

Mannnn this video is HAWT!!!! These two have CRAZY chemistry. It almost makes you wonder what kind of Love, Sex and Magic they got themselves into....hmmmmm???

Ciara rips this one with her stripper-like movements and of course JT is just effortlessly sexy as usual. I have to say, I wasn't too fond of this song until I saw the video. I'm sold. One cold shower later I can proudly give this video 2 sexy thumbs wayyyy up!


Saturday, March 21, 2009

Baddest Bytch

So I know it may seem like I have an obsession with various model chicks these days, but that's not really the case. Truth is, as summer gets closer by the day, I've been scanning the internet looking at model sites to see if I can find the type of body I should be striving to achieve. (It's just one of those things girls do!! Get over it!)

I know that at the end of the day, celebrities are celebrities, in all of their airbrushed glory. However I can't help but wish a little genie would pop out of a magic lamp and grant me just onnnnne teeeeny tiiiiiny wish: To have the body of Esther "I-her-stinkin-guts-" Baxter!!!!

It's just NOT fair!!!!


WHOOOOOO looks like that???

And whaaaaaaat are they eating!?!?!?

Dear Esther Baxter,
Please disappear from the face of this planet. I can't stand looking at you. It fills my heart with anger. But before you go, kindly cut off ur head and donate your body to me.

Love Always,

Miss Taylor

Thursday, March 19, 2009

On my mind...

So I don't really have anything particular to talk about right now. I just felt the burning desire to blog about what's on my mind, which is this.......I want you all to know, that I, Ashley Taylor am very verrrry easy to get along with. I'm a very simple person. Some may say I'm hard to please, and for argument's sake, that may be so. However, there's not very many things that I truly let bother me. You see, I was blessed with an amazingly strong and accurate gut instinct. I know the difference between good people and bad people. I recongnize the realness in some, and the fakeness in most. I see the hartid behind the smiles. I don't have time to figure out where it's coming from. I don't really give a flying fuk anymore either. If there is something I've done to offend you, then by all means, hate away. But if you're just a natural born, negative-vibed, bad minded individual with nothing better to do then critizise by blog and rip apart what you THINK I'm about then....peace be with you. There's nothing I can do for you. You're fucked and you're probably going to Hell. Soooo...good luck in life! :)

Like I said, I am a simple person. I don't have any space in my brain to even begin to comprehend why people are the way they are. I am far too busy getting excited over things like the 3 dozen chocolate and vanilla CUSTOM MADE buttemilk cupcakes I just ordered for my birthday party!!! Yessss!! They're gonna be gooooooodddd!!! I can hardy wait!! So while screw faced beeitches sit around going through my photos on Facebook one by one, I'm jumping up and down on my bed axiously awaiting the arrival of my birthday dessert. No wonder you hate me!! I'd hate me too!!


Miss Taylor

Ps: I'm not on some cocky Kanye shyt, I'm just tired of people TRYING to bring be down. It's not gonna happen not now, not ever. SO please excuse my arrogance. I just had to let it out. Wheeww...I feel better now.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Ask Yourself....

Greetings everyone! Hope all is well.

I just got home from a coffee run with my one of bestest in the word, Natalina (I love u Poons). We got to talkin about some of the issues going on in our lives right now and of course, the conversation tuned to the topic of men. She shared with me a quote which I thought was very simple yet so effective. It's a little something that us ladies (and gentlemen) should stop and ask ourselves next time we're going over that little hump with our significant others, or even just a potential love interest. Here it is: "If this individual doesn't make me smile everyday, are they really worth my time?" Now when I stopped to think about this I decided that this could very well be the easiest, most straight forward method of finding out if you're going to be happy with someone or not.

It's not even necessary to speak to that person everyday. The thought of them alone should be enough to put a smile on your face. Not just any smile either! It should be one of those super goofy stupid smiles that take over your face when you think about something that they said or did. And it should occur and the most random times, like when your pushing your cart down the snack isle at the grocery store and you see "Munchies" on sale for $3.99 and you start giggling uncontrollably becuz you remember how cute he is when he's munching on his Munchies...and everyone in the store is staring at you cuz you're all by yourself laughing like a friggin lunatic while you fill your cart with 16 bags of Munchies......Or maybe that's just me!! Yes...perhaps I'm alone on that one! But you get my point!

Anyone who's worth thinking of will cross your mind several times a day. Those thoughts should bring a smile to your face every time. Not to mention the happy dance that you should feel compelled to perform when you see that person's name display on your caller I.D. It doesn't matter WHERE you are! Being able to drop everything and engage in some happy dancing when he/she calls you is a sure sign of a solid future. Take it from me!!

So to the one that makes me smile countless times a day, I thank you. I thank you for all the funny memories that play in my mind over and over. Thank you for still giving me butterflies when the little smiley face next to your name on my Blackberry messenger lights up. Thank you for being my inspiration to watch the Food Network and learning to make something other than grilled cheese sandwiches. And last of all, thank you for having such a sexy caller I.D picture which makes me stop and do the running man, crip walk, Harlem shake a little bit of a Dutty Wine when you call me. True story.....

Relationships are never perfect. Not every day will be flawless. However, you know that person is truly special if they never fail to make you smile.


Miss Taylor

Friday, March 13, 2009


To those of you who don't know (which is probably majority of u!) I, Ashley Taylor ADORE Spring!!! The beautiful early sunrises and romantic late sunsets, the sweet songs the three little birdies chirping outside my window, the buds blossoming, covering the winter nakedness of the trees....ahhhh....SPRING!

I love this magical season for more reason than one. First of all, I am a spring baby. My birthday in on the 27th of March. (Flowers, candy and other gifts can be delivered to my house via Fed-Ex. Any one interested can hit me up for a delivery address at the end of this blog ! :)
There's something special about turning one year older during the spring. As the weather makes that transition from disturbingly frigid to beautifully mild, it's almost as though I feel like my life is also making a transition along with the seasons. The world begins to look a little different. My perception of certain things change dramatically. I start to appreciate the little things that make life worth living.

I finally feel motivated to put down that third jelly doughnut and maybe even pick up a razor. I think about how unattractive a mane of leg hair might appear should I decide to rock a pair of capris. I come to terms with the fact that my gym really isn't a Hell filled with overcaffinated, anorexic/bulimic/ freaks or steroid pumped meatheads. I accept that while they might appear that way, they too are normal people just like you and me. I even consider reuniting with them in attempt to rid myself of the belly rolls and back fat that I have acquired over the winter months.

I find myself wanting to pick up the phone and make an emergency appointment with my esthetician for a pedicure. Becuz it's no longer fun to pick up pieces of carpet as I walk around bare foot in my house. Crusty feet might be ok in the winter, in fact I actually find that the extra layers of hardened skin help to keep my toes warm on those really cold days. But Spring is quickly approaching, so these old habits must be gone.

And while I contemplated growing my leg hair long enough to be able to shave it, dye it and perhaps make a weave, I've recently decided that surely would not be the most lady-like thing in world. Funny as hell, yes, lady-like, definitely not!


Ok, ya'll know I would NEVER let myself get that far off point!!

But I've officially checked myself into Boot Camp! I've purchased the Kanye West workout video and before you know it, imma be red carpet worthy. I'm ready! Are u?
If not, allow me to post some motivational footage just for you!!


Monday, March 9, 2009

Amber Rose

Ok so by now we've probably all heard about Kanye West's new plaything. She goes by the name of Amber Rose and for some reason, I am so intrigued by her. She's a former stripper who is working her way up to leads in music videos with hopes of scoring a big movie role in the near future. ( Great role model huh?? lol!)Not too many people come long that really capture my attention like this girl has. She is insanely bold, borderline grimey and completely stunning. While reading an interview she had with Smooth Magazine, I was blown away by how open she was about her sex life. She just put it out there like "SPLAT!! I like sex...and what..." Not only that, in case you didn't notice, the bytch is bald! She claims she's so comfortable and confident in her natural beauty that she doesn't need to hide it behind a bunch of hair. With Kanye by her side, there's no doubt that it's only a matter of time before this video vixen reaches star status. I approve! Go on girl!

Friday, March 6, 2009

The Awakening

Every now and then we'll find ourselves in a situation where somebody might express an opinion about you that is totally false and borderline offensive. When this occurs, out first reaction is to play the victim role. We might get overly emotional over the comment or become extremely defensive. We ask ourselves, how DARE he/she have that particular image of me in their mind? More so, how DARE they even have the nerve to express it that way! We spend all kinds of time dwelling and perhaps even beating ourselves up over it, when really, the logical thing to do would be this: Ask yourself what it is that YOU put out there to cause any individual to form that particular opinion of you that you find so very offensive. What have you done to contribute to that image? How are you different from the person they are accusing of being? Today, I had a wake up call. At first, I would consider it more of a slap in the fucking face, but when I thought about it more, I took it as a blessing in disguise.

Now, I'm no super feminist or anything, but myself, as a young women, can sometimes be lured into believing that if you happen to look a certain way, the world will be handed to you on a silver patter. We listen to song after song of rappers like Jay-Z talking about all the shopping sprees and first class private jet trips he wants to provide for his "girl". Sure, it sounds nice and all, but here's what I say to you Jigga man; Please take your private jet, unlimited credit cards, and endless cash flow, shine them up real nice, turn that son of a bytch sideways, and shove it right up your candy ass!! (Sorry, I couldn't resist!) All your shiny blingin' bullshit is blinding me from accomplishing my real goal: To be an independent, self sufficient, strong black, beautiful woman! Sure you got the hottest chick in the game wearing your chain but guess what Hov, she was the hottest chick in the game even before you started playing by her rules.

Today, I had to stop and ask myself what it is I'm putting out there that might give others the slightest idea that I need or even WANT to be taken care of. I was never told by anyone that anything in this world would ever be handed to me on a silver platter. Who in my life was really gonna tell me that? Perhaps my single mother who has worked her fingers to the bone to ensure that all of her chidren were spoiled brats? Not quite. Along the way, I have been sidetracked. I'm not to proud ti admit that. However, what I have come to realize is that when I came into this world, I was alone. I didn't come out of the womb with a sugar daddy trailing behind me. So, then why 22 years later should I be looking over my shoulder to see if there's one to fall back on?

In attempt to ensure nobody is OFFENDED by my opinion in this posting, I'm gonna keep this short and sweet.

It's said that women are nurturers while men are providers. My main focus is to nurture my bank account with large amounts and provide myself with the satisfaction of knowing I did it on my own.

Take this in...

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Once again, I know I've been sloppy with my blog postings. Forgive me. I'm sick!! I have a bad cold that I caught from my lovely friend Sade! Thanks again bytch!! It all took place on a lovely bus trip to CasinoRama, on a lovely Saturday morning. It was going to be my first time going to the casino and actually gambling, so I was very excited! I was ok with the 62 hour bus ride cuz the seats were comfortable and I was feeling lucky!

When we pulled up, one of the reps from the casino came on the bus to greet us and make sure we all had our I.D to prove we're over 19. When it came time for her to check mine, I confidently reached into my wallet and pulled out my bank card, mistaking it for my health card which I then remembered was sitting on my dresser at home, a million freakin miles away. Needless to say, I was f*cked!!! They didn't even CONSIDER letting my ass in!! They turned me away in disgust!! I begged and pleaded and even faked a few tears but all I kept hearing was "Policy, Policy, Policy...." Screw you Casino guards!!! Ya'll take ur jobs wayyyyyy too seriously! Anyway, I ended up at the hotel spa next door with my lovely friend Sade, leaving behind my lovely friend Leah, who put the whole trip together in the first place!! And if I wasn't such a dingbat, we all could have enjoyed a day at the old casino together!! But noooo!! Instead, Sade and I enjoyed spa treatments, gossip magazines and a lovely lunch and the hotel restaurant.


Oh yeah...I was explaining why I'm sick right?? Ok well somewhere between the pedicure and the club sandwich, Sade must have coughed on me or something cuz now I'm sitting here in a robe with tissue stuffed up my nose. Sexy huh??
I would take a picture and post it but I could almost guarantee I would lost at least 75% of my readers.

Ok well starting now I will be more consist ant with my postings! Promise!!
I'm working on a loooooooooot right now and I'm getting more and more excited about spring/summer coming.

So stay tuned, and please forgive my slacking!!

Luv you guys!!
