Friday, February 27, 2009

A little appreciation

Let me ask you guys a question: How many of you are truly thankful to be alive? I mean, like you wake up everyday and reflect on how fourtunate you are to have a bed to sleep in, food to eat, clothes on your back and a roof over your head? I find more and more, our generations is made up of a bunch of people that take life for granted. We would rather spend more time talking on out Blackberries about how many bottles we popped or how many pairs of shoes we have thank being thankful that we live in a county where so many things are practically handed to us. To make matters worse, we have the nerve to complain about the stupidest, most insignificant things such as the lineup at the LCBO on a friday night or the fact that we had to wait 30 minutes to be seated at that trendy new restuarant downtown.

I'm just as guilty as any of you for doing this. When my laptop crashes, its the end of the word for me. If I sleep in and miss my pilates class at the gym, all hell breaks loose. But recently, I've learned to take time out to refelect on my many blessings. There is so much I take for granted on a daily basis. For example the fact that I am blessed with 4 siblings, and 2 strong healthy parents, the fact that I have the opputunity to share my stories with all of you, that fact that I have the ability to type, the vision to read and the common sence to do a spell check at the end of it so that I appear smarter than I actually am!! ;)

I challenge all of you to take a good look at your own lives. Some of you may be going through some hard times emotionally right now. I understand. Just keep in mind, there will always be someone else in the world going through something a little more unfourtunate than you. And if that's not enough to bring you comfort, stop and count your blessings. Sunshine is hard to see through the storm, however storms are only temporary. So for a few minutes a day, just take the time out to say one simple word "Thanks!"

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Baby Makin' Muzik

I'm literally sitting here with goosebumps jammin to Lissa Monet's newest mixtape "Lovestoned Vol. 003- Behind Closed Doors".

If you are not ready to enter parenthood yet DO NOT LISTEN TO THIS ALBUM!!!!!!! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!! BABIES WILL BE MADE!!! I guarantee this!


download here:

Monday, February 23, 2009

Middle Child Syndrome

Hi everyone, my name is Ashley Taylor and I suffer from middle child syndrome. I've been a middle child for 11 long years now. I have an older sister as well as an older brother. Exactly 11 years ago, when I was just 11 years old, I got bumped from the baby of the family to the second youngest. I accepted this only because my new baby sister, Jaden was too damn adorable for me to even think about putting her an a basket and setting her on the doorstep of a random young couple and tying to convince my parents that the stork took her back to Babyland. So I embraced it. I happily took on the title of "big sister." Life was good.

Then the unthinkable happened. Two years later, my dear mother decide it would be cute to pop out another. This time a boy. My new baby brother Jared, then became the baby of the Taylor family. What did this mean for poor Ashley? This meant that poor Ashley, who was once the star of the show, was now bumped to the middle. Now I can assure you, at the time, I was 13 and had no problem sharing the attention with my two younger siblings. In fact, less attention on me meant that I can get away with staying up that extra hour on a school night, or sneaking on a tab bit of lipgloss before heading to the mall with friends on Friday evenings. I loved it!!!

However, over the years, little attention turned into hardly any, which turned into none, which has presently turned into looks of confusion on the faces of my family members as they struggle figure out why there's a stranger in the kitchen making Eggo waffles. Well!! I'll tell you why!! It's becuz I fu#kin LOVE EGGO WAFFLES!!!! They used to know that! Everyone used to know that! In fact they used to bring waffles to me on a tray, while I lay in bed, marveled at the fact that they never forgot to add extra butter and syrup....jusssst the way I like it! I USED TO BE LOVED DAMNIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What's worse is that some of you know that I am the darkest in my family!! I swear to God, I live with the Simpsons! Every member of my family is a funny shade of yellow except me. I got the chocolate goodness thanks to my dad!! (Thanks Daddy! :) And the joke is, I'm not even that dark skinned so you can only IMAGINE how light the rest of the fam is!!

Look at this tomfoolery!!!

Crazy right!! Cuz it's not enough that I'm the hated middle child, but I have to be the only non yellow one too!!!!

You guys might think I'm being sensitive or dramatic, but MCS (Middle Child Syndrome) is not to be taken lightly. My friends still refer to me as "The Mailman's daughter!" I find myself doing stupid things to get attention...for example, eating the last tea biscuit even though I know my mom wanted it, just so she could acknowledge me even if it means screaming at the top of her lungs and sending me to the store to buy more.

Where's the love?? THERE IS NONE LEFT FOR ME!!! The two youngest get the most obviously, becuz they're the babies. Then the two oldest becuz they were here first, and by the time it gets around to pay a little love to the left over kid, there's not a single drop left! So I go without any. Then I become bitter so I turn to others, such as my friends and significant other to make it better. Do you know what I get told in return? "Ashley, you're too hard to please." "Ashley, you're too spoiled. Stop being a diva." Or my personal favourite "Ashley, your so selfish! It's can't always be all about YOU!"

The other day I woke up, completely alone in my house. I had no idea where anyone was becuz of course, nobody thought I was important enough to leave me a note on my door or even a half ass text message! I wondered through the house until I got to the room where we keep all our family photo albums. I decided to take a moment to stop and look through them in attempt to lift my spirits. As I sat on the floor, flipping through the pages, I saw images of happiness and childhood memories, that had now become so distant, I almost forgot they even existed. There had to been about 4 albums dedicated completely to me! My parents had carefully selected fantastic photos of me on school trips, riding my first bicycle, taking my first steps, cutting my birthday cake, etc. Each photo revealed the joy writen all over my face as I marveled in all the attention and focus that was put on me. I was the shining star. That's all it took for me to be happy!

I'm not gonna share all the symptoms of MCS with you right away. I don't want any of you to think I'm overly odd. Just try to understand why I do some of the things I do. I am an attention-deprived-22-year-old-middle-child!!! Have pity on my soul!!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My new whip

Ok I just wanted to share a few pics of my new car. It's being shipped in from L.A and personally delivered to me by none other than Paris Hilton. In case you guys have seen her driving around in my car on shows like TMZ of Entertainment Tonight, keep in mind she's just testing it for me. I've paid her big bucks to make sure it runs nice and smooth. It'll be arriving in a few weeks. Stay tuned!!



I adore this vehicle!! If I had it my way, I probably wouldn't have picked Pepto-Bismal pink but either way, it's hot!!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Sooo....I just got home from my bartending gig and I must say, I made a killing tonight!!! yay!! I decided to keep my energy up by sipping 3 Redbulls. Consequently, I'm now home, in bed, WIDE AWAKE and very jittery. I'm looking around my room at all the things that should be making me smile, but instead, I'm frowning!! Which gave me the idea to share some things that I witnessed tonight at the club that I, Ashley Taylor, frown upon!!

* I frown upon stick thin, no curve having, girls that think it's cute to come out in their little sister's t-shirts and play them off as dresses.

*I frown upon those that "bubble" to Dr. Dre

*I frown upon people whose drink comes up to $4.75, hand me a $5 bill and wait for me to give them their quarter back

* I frown upon the girl who wore a red shirt and pink pants. There's never a need to be so unattractively festive, not even if it was the last Valentine's Day of this era

* I frown upon the little red head man who kept referring to me as "Caramel" all night

* I frown upon the "Baller" who acted like the $4.00 tip he left me on his $6.00 Heineken was enough to send my future children to university

* I frown upon the people that boycott gum and/or breath mints after eating rotten garlic cloves out of a downtown dumpster. These are the ones that like to get all up in my face and whisper their order right into my nostrils. I FROWN!!!

* I frown upon whoever thought it would be ok to take their mother to the club with them and allow her to do the Willy Bounce on the podium

* I frown upon the group of whores in the VIP that think SWEAR they're on the Hills. Do u see a camera crew up in this piece?? Cuz I certainly don't!

* I frown upon whoever fondled my bum and then stole my MAC lip gloss out of my back pocket on my way to the bathroom. I guess you needed it more than I did?

* I frown upon DJ's that think it's fun to play the theme song to Fresh Prince in the middle of a hot set. I just don't see where that could possibly fit in...

* I frown upon bouncers that weigh less than I do. For some reason I just don't feel safe under your supervision

* I frown upon girls that think for second it would be appropriate to dance on the bar. I'll karate chop a bytch! Don't test me when I have Redbull in my system!

* I frown upon the fact that it's 4:30 am and I have so much fakin energy!! No ones awake and I have no choice but to blog to all YOU people!! Mannn....I love you guys!
What would I do without ya??


Miss Taylor

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Flowers are beautiful
Purfume is lovely
Chocolate is delicious
Music is timeless
Sweet words are comforting
The effort was much appreciated

But at the end of the day....all I wanted was a promise....

Happy Valentine's Day

Thursday, February 12, 2009

In Conclusion...

Breakups are tough. Especially when they occur a few days before Valentine's Day. It's not the easiest thing in the world to try to act strong and independant when everywhere you go you see couples dry humping each other in the middle of the street. Who the hell invented such a stupid fu*kin day anyways??? What a waste of 24 hours! Am i bitter? Can u tell? However, me being the super positive ray of sunshine that I am, have decided to look on the bright side of this whole shitty situation. It took almost a year of stress, fights, and tears for me to realize what I really want out of life/love. And for the first time throughout this journey, I can walk away smiling. I have loved, I have laughed and I have learned all I've needed to learn. In case you didn't notice I'm still alive!! Which can only mean that crock of bullshit only made me stronger! The games have ended...I can finally breathe, recoup, and reinvent myself. When relationships fail, it's hard to accept, but I know that it would have been harder had I not tried my best. People are like fine wine, they only get better with age. I feel I only get better with experience. I hold no grudges nor do I have any shit talking left in my system. It's all love and I thank him for finally allowing me to get off the roller coaster. It was a ride of a lifetime, one that I will never forget.

AND ON THAT NOTE.....this is totally random but someone on Facebook asked me if I feel comfortable posting pics of me bare faced with no make-up. My answer is yes!!!

Coach for Clo Clo!!!

So I found the most perrrrrrrrrrrrfect gift for my little puppy Chloe (*Pronounced Clo-ee for those of u that keep callin her Clee-o!) This will ensure that when we travel, my little princess travels in style, just like the rest of the Taylor fam. Have a look!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


With all this "He's Just Not That Into You" stuff going around, woman are more confused than ever!! Let's look at what a real woman's opinion about men....


If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away.

If he doesn't want you, nothing can make him stay.

Stop making excuses for a man and his behaviour.

Allow your intuition (or spirit) to save you from heartache.

Stop trying to change yourself for a relationship that's not meant to be.

Slower is better.

Never live your life for a man before you find what makes you truly happy.

If a relationship ends because the man was not treating you as you deserve then heck no, you can't 'be friends'. A friend wouldn't mistreat a friend.

Don't settle.

If you feel like he is stringing you along, then he probably is

Don't stay because you think 'it will get better'

You'll be mad at yourself a year later for staying when things are not better.

The only person you can control in a relationship is you.

Avoid men who've got a bunch of children by a bunch of different women.

He didn't marry them when he got them pregnant, why would he treat you any differently?

Always have your own set of friends separate from his.

Maintain boundaries in how a guy treats you. If something bothers you, speak up.

Never let a man know everything.* He will use it against you later.

You cannot change a man's behaviour.* Change comes from within.

Don't EVER make him feel he is more important than you are...

Even if he has more education or in a better job.

Do not make him into a quasi-god.

He is a man, nothing more nothing less.

Never let a man define who you are.

Never borrow someone else's man.

A man will only treat you the way you ALLOW him to treat you.

All men are NOT dogs.

You should not be the one doing all the bending...

Compromise is two way street.

You need time to heal between relationships...

There is nothing cute about baggage...

Deal with your issues before pursuing a new relationship

You should never look for someone to COMPLETE you...

A relationship consists of two WHOLE individuals...

Look for someone complimentary...not supplementary.

Dating is fun...even if he doesn't turn out to be Mr. Right.

Make him miss you sometimes...when a man always know where you are, and you're always readily available to him - he takes it for granted

Never move into his mother's house. Never co-sign for a man.

Don't fully commit to a man who doesn't give you everything that you need.*

Keep him in your radar but get to know others.

Scared of being alone is what makes a lot of women stay in relationships that are abusive or hurtful
You should know that:

You're the best thing that could ever happen to anyone and if a man mistreats you, he'll miss out on a good thing. If he was attracted to you in the 1st place, just know that he's not the only one.

They're all watching you, so you have a lot of choices.
Make the right one.

Ladies take care of your own hearts....


Monday, February 9, 2009

She's royal...So royal

I feel it's only right that I pay homage to most amazingly stunning, diva-licious, GORRRRRGEOUS, supermodel to top all supermodels.....MISS NAOMI CAMPBELL (aka "The Black Panther aka. My Chocolate Goddess)!!!

Name : Naomi Campbell
Nickname : Black Panther
Date of Birth : 22 May 1970
Place of Birth : Streatham, London, England, UK
Height : 5' 10''
Education : London Academy For Performing Arts
Nationality : British
Profession : model, actor
Claim to Fame : one of the top supermodels in the fashion industry with appearances on the covers of British Elle, French Vogue, British Vogue and Time Magazine
Agencies : New York - Ford, Paris - Elite, Milan - Riccardo Gay, London - Premier.

She's a Man Eater! Have a look at this extensive list of men that have had the honor of being within 10 feet of her greatness:

Boyfriend: Mohammad Al-Habtoor (Arab shiek), Prince Albert II (prince)
Boyfriend: Andre Balazs (owner of Chateau Marmont in Los Angeles, dated 2004-07)
Boyfriend: Flavio Briatore (Renault and Benneton race car proprietor)
Boyfriend: Eric Clapton (rock'n'roller)
Boyfriend: Adam Clayton (U2 bassist, broken engagement 1990s)
Boyfriend: Sean "Puff Daddy" Combs (rapper)
Boyfriend: Joaquín Cortés (Spanish flamenco dancer)
Boyfriend: Robert De Niro (actor), Leonardo DiCaprio (actor)
Boyfriend: Pedro Diniz (Brazilian race car driver)
Boyfriend: Joseph Fiennes (actor), Robert Goode (nightclub owner)
Boyfriend: Badr Jafar (Dubai-based millionaire playboy)
Boyfriend: Guy Laliberté (founder of Cirque du Soleil)
Boyfriend: Tommy Lee (Mötley Crüe), Sérgio Marone (Brazilian actor)
Boyfriend: Matteo Marzotto (heir to Marzotto S.p.A fortune)
Boyfriend: Eddie Murphy (actor), Luca Orlandini (Italian actor)
Boyfriend: Enrique Palacio (Spanish model), Sylvester Stallone (actor)
Boyfriend: Mike Tyson (boxer), Usher (singer)
Boyfriend: Robbie Williams (singer)


Saturday, February 7, 2009

Officially Missing You

I feel ya gurl....mannnn do I feel ya!

FYI: I'm also missing Chicken McNuggets and breakfast at Cora's.....
I only wish Tamia included that in the song somewhere... :(

Cause and Cure

Ladies and Gentlemen...when it comes to relationships, the fun NEVER ends, does it?? Noo...'course not!! It wouldn't be exciting without all the screams of anger, punch holes in the wall, cell phone hang ups, cancelled dinner plans and suicide attempts, now WOULD it??
SoooOoo tonight, I bring you yet another case. I'm pretty sure this one's pretty common for both men and women. Let's go..!!

Ok, so you and your significant other are in that "Bliss Stage." You know, the stage where you literally eat, breathe and sleep each other's presence 22 out of 24 hours a day. The stage where you go on those long drives, sit in the car for retarded amounts of time, go home and fall asleep on the phone together, only to wake up and venture out to breakfast with them early the next morning. You start to spend so much time together that, oddly enough you begin to look like each other!! I mean, if you get a zit, they'll get one in the EXACT same place cuz chances are, whatever caused you to get one, is probably the same reason they have one too! You both start walking around with shabby hair and wrinkled clothing cuz in the morning, when you were SUPPOSED to be grooming, you two were too busy starring at each other in mirror talking about what beautiful babies you're gonna have, and you completely neglected to flip your bangs and iron your Apple Bottoms.

Then the time comes where you wake up, wrapped in their arms, and realize that you haven't seen your own family, friends, cell phone (or clothing ) for 5 days straight! It then hits you that your ENTIRE world revolves around this one person, who in your eyes, is the light of your life. It's a good feeling. I mean, I'm all about balance and everything, but it's hard to have anything to do with anything else when you've found your perfect match. Every moment spent with them is precious and cherished. This is called the "Bliss Stage." Eventually, it fades...into deathly darkness...

Fast Forward:

Now you two have become so close and so comfortable with one another, that you can now point out the little things about the other person that irritate the hell out of you. And here my friends, is where the problem begins! After all, we've gotten used to the fact that our hunnie thinks we're perfect! How dare they begin to criticise! So we fight back, and they fight more, and before you f*uckin know it, he's slamming on his brakes in the middle of rush hour traffic, demanding you get the hell out of his car, and your using every ounce of will power you were blessed with to hold yoursef back from burning a hole through his arm with your cigarette!! Not so blissful anymore, is it?!?!? Bahahahahahahahh!!! (*apologizes for evil outburst)

(PS: clearly, I couldn't POSSIBLY be talking about me! I don't smoke!! You know that!! ....)

The plot thickens:

So now you're at a point where you're royally fucked becuz this person has COMPLETE control over your emotions. They decide whether you have a good day, a bad day, and everything in between. Who can you blame, but yourself?? Somewhere down the line (between the romantic dinner dates and the fantastic morning sex) you've handed over all the power in a pretty little gift wrapped package! Oh yes!! You suurrre DID!! And it gets worse! Due to the fact that this person is the center of your universe, now ALLLLLLLL of your problems are becuz of them!!! Your alarm didn't go of and you were late for work all becuz "hunnie" decided to unplug the clock and plug in his cell phone charger! You forgot to call you mother on her birthday becuz "sweetheart" caught the flu and insisted you stay by his bedside all day and attend to his every need! You failed your exam because you and "babykins" stayed up until 5am reaming each other out about the glitter you saw on his face earlier that night, that could have ONLY been put there by a random rubbing her face on his!!

You're a ticking time bomb!!! You're on the verge of insanity!! You need to VENT!! You're anger must be heard! But here's the thing....YOU HAVE NO ONE TO TALK TO!!!!! None of your friends wanna hear it!! Why would they? They have their own problems! Besides, when things were all hunky dory in old love land a few weeks before, you didn't even think to pick up the phone and call a single one of them! Why should they help you now that shit's hit the fan??

Ok...hmmmm...think....there's always Mom!!

Oh wait!! Mom's still pissed at you for missing her birthday and sending her a half assed bouquet of wilted roses 3 days later! She hates you! You know this becuz she told you when you called her to see if she received the roses. Not only that, she thinks you're a disgrace to the family! You know this becuz she sent you a cussing continuation text right after she hung up the phone on you in disgust. (Ps: I'd just like to state once again that I couldn't possibly be referring to myself here!! I love my mommy and would never ever forget her birthday!!)

Ok loser! What do you do now? Your girlfriends want none of it, you Mom's at home, reading "Disowning Your Daughter for Dummies" and your online friends will blog about your shyt before you can even get the full story out. Sooooo, you slowly begin to dial those dreaded 10 digits....

While the phone rings, you try to remind yourself who hung up the phone on who last...

He answers: "....Hello....

You reply: "Hey baby...I'm sorry about the way I acted earlier...I'm just going thru some things and...I really wanna see you...

Not only is "Love Muffin" the cause of your horrendous life, but he's become the cure too!!! Nothing can progress until he makes it better! Remember stupid, he has that power!! In a way, you want him to fix it cuz gosh darnit, you still love the bastard. So you go over, make up (in more ways than one!) and everything's perfect again. That is until the next morning when you sleep in 2 hours late, realize that your alarm clock is unplugged and in it's place is a fully charged Blackberry....

Oh the joys of relationships!!!


Friday, February 6, 2009

Rep Your Block!!! LMAO!!!! as some of you may know, I'm planning on getting a few tattoos done in the next little while. I'm sure about 2 of them but I'm still browsing for a 3rd. So just happened to be looking through a gallery of a very popular tat artist, and came across something that made me choke on my corn flakes! Now, I'm completely ok with people showing love for their city and "reppin their block" (if u will) but this is just RIDICULOUS!!!!!!!!

Are my eyes decieving me or does that shyt really say PICKERING?!?!??!?!?!?!
LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pickering isn't even a frigging city!! It's a villiage with a population of like 42!!! We have one mall, one grocery store and a sheriff's office which is closed most of the time!!! That's why we all flock to Facebook. It makes us feel like we're apart of something bigger out there in the real world!! lol!!

Don't get mad!! I'm allowed to say this!! I live here too!! (Hopefully not for much longer!!)

Homeboy might as well ave gotten a picture of the Nuclear Power Plant tattooed in the background!!!

Ok I'm done!! Sorry! I put a shot of Haterade in my cereal this morning! My apologies....

I ain't mad at him!! Rep your city partna!!!!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Look at these pics I found from a shoot I did wayyyyyyyyyyyyy back in the day when I thought I was sexy!!! lmao!!

Sorry Mom!!!

...if my future daughter even looks at a camera when she's older I'm gonna poke her eyes out!!


I lovvvvve music! All genres, all artists, all different languages....I just love the stuff!!! I find it amazing how listening to a few seconds of a particular song can instantly bring us back to a moment or period of our past. You get those butterflies in your stomach as your memory is triggered and brought back to the good old days. It's enough to bring tears to your eyes; sometimes happy, sometimes sad.

It's funny, at the time, the song might have been nothing more than a smash hit, receiving more airtime than necessary. But after a few years, hearing it again gives it a whole new meaning. You can appreciate it. It makes you reflect on how different your life is now than it was back then. The lyrics make more sense to you. The beat makes you move in a different way. It's as if you're listening to a whole new song, simply because you're at a different stage in you're life. Do you know what I'm talking about? I'm sure you do. I think everybody has at least one or two that they can think of.

The song I'm about to share with you used to be one of my favourites when I was in grade 5. My crush lip synched it to me at a birthday party and it's been cherished ever since. Recently, this song came back into my life with a vengeance. Its meaning, as I said, has completely changed. Not only do I have a better understanding of the lyrics, but I happen to be living them as we speak. The feeling I get, just from the first 2 notes, is more than I can describe, although, If I tried, I wouldn't quite describe them as butterflies; more like several ferocious dragons ripping apart my insides!! Yes...that's definitely more accurate!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Random facts about moi

Soooo...due to the tornado that's ripping apart my life right now, I'm not very creative at this present moment in time!! However, as you can tell, I'm still quite dramatic!! :) SO what I've decided to do is STEAL...yes STEAL a blog topic from a facebook friend of mine where I will share random, useless facts about myself. The reason why is becuz any other topics involves thinking, which unfortunately my brain is not able to do right now. Like I always say, when in doubt, blab about yourself! So here we go...

1) I was born on a Tuesday and for the longest time, I didn't have a name. My little hospital card read "Taylor Girl" where my name was supposed to be inserted. My parents were probably so unenthused about me entering the world that they decided not to name me until they realized they couldn't keep referring to me as "Taylor Girl." They then thought long and hard and came up with "Ashley!" How original!! Love you guys!!

2) My grade 10 history teacher informed me that my name contains "the mark of the Beast" simply because each one contains 6 letters: A-S-H-L-E-Y...R-A-C-H-E-L....T-A-Y-L-O-R!
Isn't that comforting?? I thought so!!

3) My older brother punched my tooth out on my 6th birthday. I was most distraught and refused to go to school.

4) I have a disgustingly horrific fear of insects of all shapes and sizes. From lady bugs to friggin dragon flies! I hate them all!!! (With the exception of butterflies of course)

5) I taught myself to swim in 1 day. 1 single day! I just jumped in the deep end, and figured it out from there. Sadly, I consider this one of my biggest accomplishments in life!

6) I lovvvvve Action movies. They are my favourite! Anything with car chases, explosions, villains, and guns...I'm good to go! Bruce Willis is my hero! However, I HATE HORROR MOVIES!! No thanks!!! I refuse to even be in the same room that a horror movie might be playing in. The movie Saw ruined my life and gave me nightmares for about 8 and a half months. I'm not to old to sleep in my mommy's room! Trust me!!

7) I hide snacks under my bed and eat them in the middle of the night. Nobody ever knows about them becuz I don't share them with anyone! Most often, I keep a box of pecan passion cookies or two bite brownies...but shhh...that's our little secret!!

8) I have a very bad temper. Not a lot of people would know this cuz I'm usually very quiet and conflict free. But those of you who have seen me when I've reached a boiling know what it is!! I am known to throw diva tantrums Naomi Campbell style. What can I say? The lady inspires me!! So if you see my cell phone flying through the air...DUCK BYTCHES!!!!

9) I still sleep with stuffed animals. 3 to be exact. I can't live without them. They need me and dammit, I need them!!

10) I don't sweat or burp!! I think I'm a mutant or something becuz really and truly I can be sprinting in 100+ degrees and not a drop of sweat will leak from my pores. As for burping, the only time one might ever occur is after I drink, like a litre of soda (which I don't ever do). But when I do eventually burp, I get super excited and nobody around me ever understands why. Weird huh?

11) I can't whistle. I used to be able to but for some reason, my grandfather used to tell me that "females weren't supposed to whistle." So I stopped and now I've forgotten how!!

12) I get bored VERY VERRRRRRRRY easily. Let me give you a list of all the recreational activities I've started and quit in my lifetime: swimming, basketball, gymnastics, ballet, dance, soccer, Navy Cadets (don't ask), piano and drumming lessons, yoga, pilates, belly dance, track and field (regrettably), runway classes, flare bartending, ohhh and the list goes onnn and onnnn an onnnn!!!

Are u bored yet?? Ok let's get to the good stuff...

13) I am a very passionate person. I am passionate about life, I am passionate about my future, I am passionate about the things I enjoy doing and the people around me. When I care about something or someone, it becomes the most important thing to me and all my time is spent working on improving it.

14) I'm stupidly ticklish. Like, I almost have a fear of being tickled! It's bad. I feel like I'm having a seizure! It seems to get worse over the years. The older I get the more ticklish I become. By the time I'm 50 I won't even be able to blow my nose without dying of laughter. Can't wait!! :)

15) I hate liars. I HATTTTEEE being lied to!! It makes me crazy. I am a very open and honest person, in case you couldn't tell by now, so I see no reason why people can't extend me the same courtesy. Just tell the freakin truth!! What's the worst that can happen??

16) I am very much in tune to the spiritual world. What does that mean exactly?? I don't know, it just sounded good! No really, I can see people's auras. I can tell right of the bat whether someone is a good person or not. I believe that a lot of answers are given to us in our dreams. I believe very much in soul searching. There's not much more I can say without sounding like a whacked out Miss Cleo, so lets just end it there!

17) I love stupid reality shows; The Bachelor, The Simple Life, The Real World, My BFF, Baldwin Hills, all that junk!! I never follow them closely enough to know what's going on every week, but then I'm bored, it's quite entertaining!!

18) I eat like a piggy. It's been brought to my attention numerous times that I consume more food in a shorter period of time than most guys I know,(especially one in particular that likes to store his food in his cheeks for long periods of time!)
Indeed, I love food, and I would say that eating is probably my favourite thing to do in life. I eat when I'm happy, I eat when I'm sad, I eat when I'm hungry and I eat when I'm full...and no, I don't puke it up afterwords!! Jerks!!
As long as there's no swine, I'm down to dine anytime!! True story...

19) I am a nerd to the core! I'm not cool, I'm not hip, I'm not trendy, I'm not popular. I'm a geek who stays home on weekends and waits till someone is bored enough to phone me. Most of the time when I answer, I come to realize that the person's phone called me by accident becuz I happen to be under "A" in their address book!! LOL!!!

and last but not least....

The pressure's on....

I feel like this last one has to be the best....

Hmmm..... I go...Are you ready??

20) My first kiss was in grade 6...his name was Peter!! It was at a birthday party during a stupid game that we REALLY should not have been playing at that age! He had braces. I was so disturbed by the whole event that I didn't kiss again till high school!!

So there you have it! 20 random, useless facts about me!!! Any questions...?

Ps: Shoutout to my little chipmunk cheeks who's probably got a chunk of chicken teriyaki sub stored in his cheek as we speak!! Love you!!!