Saturday, January 24, 2009

Why I Blog...

I was having a conversation with my friend Suzannah the other day about blogs; Who's talking about what on their blog, who exposed who on his blog, who praised who on her!! We came to the agreement that Toronto has gone blog crazy! Everyone thinks that their lives are important enough to keep on online window into their daily, weekly or monthly activities. This isn't necessarily a bad thing. Some might consider it somewhat egotistical, but I'm not judging. How can I? I guess I can almost be considered one of those people! However, my reasons for blogging are not for gossip purposes. I find no pleasure in exposing anyone's secrets, worshipping local Toronto "celebrities" or filling you in on my every movement. What satisfies me is sharing a little piece of my mind with all who are interested in reading what I have to blog about. I write about my life because I feel that it's relateable to many. I go through the same ups and downs as the average 22 year old person, both male and female. I have no interest in playing a role. I am me. This is me. This is not "Ashley-the-former-Toronto-model". I have no juicy gossip, I have no blacklists, I have no "What not to wear advice columns." I have my thoughts, my opinions, and my stories. I am not looking for fans (I have plenty as it is!! lol!! Just kidding...) I am not looking for approval. I am not looking for popularity. I just wanna write!! I just want you all to read with an open mind an no expectations.

That's all!!

Ms. Taylor

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