Thursday, January 8, 2009

Leaving the past behind

I'm directing this particular post to both men and women, but specifically men. I have quite a bit of male readers who instead of leaving comments right here on my blog, will opt to hit me back with questions and feedback on my Facebook. That's completely fine with me! I'm just happy your reading! I appreciate all the love and support I get from you guys! Thanks very much!

So here's what's on my mind:

You meet a girl, you dig her style, you hang out often, you grow close, eventually you get on a level with her where you can start asking her some personal questions. This is what will help you determine if she's compatible with you, right? So, you go ahead and ask her about her family, her friends, her educational background, her goals and ambitions for the future, how many guys she's slept with.....


If you're wondering why I stopped there, I'm gonna tell you why. YOU WENT TOO FUCKIN FAR WITH THAT ONE!!!! Conversation that involve an exchange of personal information become a LITTLE TOO personal when you start to get into your sexual history. My only question to you men out there is..."why the fak would you want to know how many guys your potential girl has been with anyway????"

Does it really matter?? And I mean, the fact that you're comfortable enough to ask her, shows means that chances are, you like her enough to be on that level where you think that you deserve to know that information. So does that mean that if she turns around and tells you she's been with 40 men, you're going to pack up your feelings and head for the door?? I just don't get it! The only people that ever needs to know that information is your doctor and the person that you choose to spend the rest of your life with. That's it!!

Now, I know what you're thinking. "But Ashley, if she has nothing to hide or be ashamed of, she shouldn't feel anyway about answering the question, right?" WRONG fuckers!!! There's this little messed up system you may be familiar's called "society." The thing about society is that when a woman's number of sexual partners exceed the "socially acceptable" amount, (which apparently is no more than 1) she seems to be labled as a "whore" and pretty much gets thrown in the dumpsters. But when a man sleeps with any and everything that has nipples, and an area for him to stick himself into, HE GETS PRAISED!! YAAAAY!!! They damn near throw celebration parties in honor of their filthy behaviour. But it's alllll know why?? CUZ THEY'RE MEN!!!

Here's where I'm going with this: When you put a woman on the spot by asking her how many men she's slept with, you're doing two things. a) you're setting yourself up for potential disappointment and b) you're changing the entire tone of the relationship.
And you know what else, whether or not homegirl is ashamed or proud of her numbers, there is a huge chance that she's going to lie to you!! That's right, she might lie! Just like you would lie to her if the roles were reversed. And she's probably not lying becuz she's embarrassed. She's lying cuz she knows that you have her on the chopping block. So she's sitting there, caught completely off guard, and your staring at her with a look on your face that says "You better not fuck this up bytch!" She knows that her answer can either make or break her. So the smartest thing to do, to prevent your insecure ass from running in the opposite direction, is give you a safe!!! LOL!!

Now, I'm referring to MOST girls! Not me of course, becuz I am a virgin! True story...

To be honest with you, I have only been asked that question by 2 people, my doctor, and another guy. And for some stupid reason, I gave them both my honest answer. I really had no reason to lie to my doctor. But the guy, even though I felt he had some real nerve to be asking me if the first place...I told him! Whatev...

Of course that lead to him wanting to know more and more, but he's a guy. It's only expected.

Basically what I wanna know is, if you've already invested feelings into a girl, does it really matter how many guys she's slept with. Is it a reflection of insecurity if you feel like her number is "too high"? Would you feel embarrassed to be seen with a girl that the even the ticket seller at the movies has been with? Are you threatened that there's a possibility that she might have had a few men that were built like stallions and did things to her that you've never even heard of? What the hell is it?! Why do you neeeed to knoooooowwww??? Most women don't give a shyt how many partners you've had in your lifetime. We know you're all whores! So it's no big surprise if you have a history longer than the Dead Sea Scrolls.
One of the smartest things a guy ever said to me was this:

We were on our second date and we were talking VERY briefly about our past relationships. He turned to me and looked me in my eyes and said "Ashley, don't expect me to ask you details about your relationship history or anything to do with your past. I want to consider you my blank canvas. I'll draw up my own conclusions based on what I see from you with my own eyes."

GENIUS!!! Of course he turned out to be a complete physco but the point is, he made perfect sense!! I have never forgotten his words and it's safe to say, I live by them to this day.
Ok I'm done....well not really. There's so much more I can say but I'm gonna stop here.

At the end of the day, guys, if you want a pure little virgin girl then why don't you go down to the local high school and pluck one out of a grade 10 English class.

But for those of you who can handle a women, my advice to you is, leave the past behind. You don't always have to know everything, you nosy little shits!! lol!

Love you guys!!

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