Thursday, January 15, 2009

Shame on me!!

They say misery loves company...and if u ask me, I couldn't agree more! Take me for example, when I'm in a pissy, messed up mood and I feel the whole world is one big piece of crap, what do I do? I take a few shots of hard liquor and start blogging my misery away. I literally type until my fingers feel like they're going to fall off! Even tho it might not seem like a lot of information to u guys, the speed at which I'm typing at is record breaking! Believe me!! Blogging is extremely therapeutic and is definitely my favourite stress reliever. However, when u look at the bigger picture, what I'm actually doing is sharing my sad, pathetic stories with all of u so that u all can feel like shyt as well!! I feel down so I bring all of u down with me!! How horrible!!! I sincerely apologize!!! From now on I promise to make a conscious effort to blog when I'm in my fantastic moods as well as my bad ones! If I'm gonna bring u down, I might as well bring u up with me as well!!

Stay tuned... (lol)


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