Friday, January 2, 2009

Red Light District

Ok so...this is my first blog of the new year!! How exciting!! For some odd reason I feel obligated to make it good! I'm making a conscious effort not to man bash as much as I did in 2008. So instead, let's bytch bash!! I have a few things I need to get out there!

Question: Why are some females such dirty, shameless, no-moral-or-value-having whores?? I don't know if it's just my generation, but I am completely disgusted with a lot of girls between the ages of 18 and 23. Let me break it down...

I work with men...all men...all very handsome men. Becuz of the kind of person I am, they treat me like one of the boys, which means lucky little me gets to be a part of the uncensored conversations about girls, sex, etc etc. Although I've had to occasionally run from the office in utter disgust from a few of these conversations, I feel like I have learned quite a bit about the way men view women/girls. All I have to say is, I don't freakin blame them!

I'm not sure what it is that's lacking in a lot of these young females' lives, but whatever it is, it's causing them to have very little or no self respect. They lay on their backs for any and everyone that shoots them a look. It's sad. Half of them can't possibly anything more than the man's name before they are giving up their bodies to them. They put themselves in a category within the first 5 minutes of interaction. It's in the way they dress, the way the walk, the way they's their overall presentation that's screaming "FUCK ME!" TAKE IT ALL! I'M GOOD FOR IT! AND I EVEN PROMISE NOT TO ASK FOR YOUR NUMBER ONCE IT'S OVER 5 MINUTES FROM NOW!"

The first thing I can assume that's missing in the lives of these girls is a positive male figure. Yeah yeah, I know that sounds super cliche and Dr. Phil-ish but it happens! Dad splits...little girl grows up with a certain hartird for men that she probably doesn't even know she has...and ultimately this leads to her becoming a "pleaser". She learns to do whatever it takes to please men instead of finding out what it takes to please herself first. And I'm not just talking sexually. I mean her whole life becomes about making men happy. She feels obligated at all times to make sure any man she's with is content. Even if it means giving it up before she's ready. Why? Because of the fear of rejection. Emotionally, these girls are scarred from their fathers walking out on them, so the thought of any other man rejecting them in any way, shape or form, is too much for them to handle. This is just one example. There are countless scenarios resulting in countless reasons why girls these days are so promiscuous.

There's nothing wrong with a little friendly competition (unless it's among friends of course!) When two females are in a social setting, say, a party for instance, and there happens to be a guy that catches both girl's attention, naturally, the internal tigress will come out in each of them. Take for example, a female peacock who spreads her feathers to show of their beauty when a male peacock walks by. Except females these days are spreading their legs to show off their insecurities when a male walks by!! NOT CUTE LADIES! There are A LOT of other ways to lure a guy in without promising to sleep with him. Let's see...there's eye contact, body language, or HEY! How bout good old fashioned CONVERSATION!! WORDS!! Remember what those are?? Your mouth is capable of doing other speaking!! Try it sometime!

Excuse my ignorance, but I'm sorry! I've had it with hoes!! I'm tired of the loose ones making the GOOD GIRLS look like shyt! It's getting harder and harder to find a good man because so many of them are distracted by all the free sex that's being thrown at their feet. That's not a justification by any means! In the end, if the man takes it, he's just as dirty as the chick...we know this. But really, we as girls know that men are weak when it comes to sex. Why not give them something to work for? Men get praised for being scandalous...once again...this is something we already know. But as women, we make one false move and our respect is out the window! Is that fair? Of course not! But that's the way of the world.

I'm not saying I'm perfect but one thing i do know is that my mother raised with me enough class and instilled enough morals in me that I can sit here today and express my concern on this topic. Step ya game up ladies! When u look bad, u make us all look bad! And if your mad at me right now for putting you on blast, you shud be ashamed of yourself cuz I'm probably directing this towards you!!!

So in conclusion, let 2009 be the year of cleaning up you reputations ladies!
If not for you, then at least for your mothers!!


*Storms off....*



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