Monday, May 4, 2009


Ohhhh mannnn does it feel good to be back!! Why the hell did I leave in the first place you ask? Well...I felt I needed a break. I went through a bit of a transition stage and I had to question whether I should continue to blog or not. What brought me back you ask? Well the amount of hate mail i started to receive threatening my life if I didn't start blogging again began to add up. I started receiving late night anonymous phone calls where random readers would call and whisper over and over "bring it back bytch....BRING IT BAAAAACK..." That type of stuff starts to scare you after a while, so I said Hey, what the hell! And here I ammmmm!!! It's been a long time...I shouldn't of left you. But the good news is, I have a LOT of stuff to talk about as I have now entered a new stage in my life. I am truly happy, I am truly blessed, and no one...I mean NO ONE is going to bring me down!!
I love you all! Thank you for your patience with my on going disappearing act!

Stay tuned!!


Miss Taylor

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