Thursday, May 7, 2009

The B-word

Ladies and Gentleman, I realized something about myself today.....I am a BITCH!!!! Honestly, I don't even know why I have friends! Something is seriously up with me. I know where it comes mother. I love her to death but man.....when she's in a bad mood, I'd sooner be vacationing in Afganistan than to be in her presence! True story!

Anyways, so today, after I ripped new assholes for about 4 different people, I sat down and tried to figure out why I can't seem to get along with anybody. My conclusion was that not only is it due to my ridiculously severe case of PMS, it's also becuz I'm just really a mean person when I'm mad! Keep in mind, it takes a lot to get me upset. I'm happy and positive 80% of the time. But when that 20% comes's war! I even scare myself! Nobody really bothers to fight back becuz I think the shock of what it actually coming out of my mouth takes over and they can't even pick their mouths off the floor to try and rebuttal. Its awful! It's definitely something I am not proud of. The only reason I'm telling you this is becuz i said some really mean things to someone who means the world to me last night and the guilt has been eating away at me ALLLLL DAYYY!!!

So from today on, I am going to make a conscious effort to lighten the eff up a little!! Even if it means I have to double up on the blog posts just to keep myself from ripping off someone's head and spiting down their neck, I'm up for it! (Eww...sorry...that was totally unnecessary. I'm just trying to get my point across!)

I just thought I'd share that little peice of info with you guys. Admitting our flaws is the first step to recovery....or something like that. *shrugs*

To anyone's feeling's I've hurt over the past 3 days becuz of my PMS infested, hurricane of an attitude....I'm sowwy! :( Kisses to all!!! xoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxo

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