Thursday, July 9, 2009

Oh my God I'm back again!!!!

Yessssss!!! That's right! Your eyes are NOT deceiving you! Ash's back! I took a well needed vacation from blogging but now I'm just down right bored! Plus I missed you guys!! It's been far too long! Let's catch up shall we??

First of all me just say, I decided today that if I were a man, I would definitely be gay! Yup!! I'd be a flaming homosexual! You know why? Cuz females are just disgusting! They're gross! Their mission in lives are to lie on their backs and do as little else as possible. They are cheaters, they are liars, they are whores and they're just down right nasty! Now I'm not speaking of all women, mostly just the baby mommas (or future baby mommas) in the 20-25 age range that went to Pope in Scarborough. So if you attended any other high school, you are not included in this vent. However if you are a former Pope attendee and you happen to be reading this right now, I have 5 words for you that you'll probably be hearing often for the rest of your life "HE IS NOT THE FATHER!!!" Try again in another 9 months ladies! Don't worry, Maury never run out or paternity tests!

Ok now that that's out of the way...I've also made the decision to not make my blogs quite as personal as I was before. I know that may be disappointing because so many of you seem to enjoy the roller coaster I call life, BUT if you're close enough to me, you'll get the inside scoop regardless. And if you're not, chances are you'll probably hear it from someone I wrongfully trusted with my secrets anyway.

I am a writer and as I've stated before, my therapy is filling you all in on some of the chaos that goes down in my daily routines. But what I feel I need to spend more time doing is bringing peace into my life. Surrounding myself with positive things and positive people instead of worrying about who's trying to sleep with people they should not be sleeping with (Oops! Did i say that out loud?? GOOD!) Furthermore, I'm not going to make it my job to call out bad minded people anymore. Those who do me wrong are left to be dealt with by one and one alone...God. That's it. There's nothing I can do to punish them with my words or actions. Ultimately, you know what they say, Karma is a bitch!! Not just any bitch either....a psychotic pre-menstrual bitch suffering from bloating, fatigue, lower abdominal cramps and an extreme lack of sexual activity. So go on! Keep it up! I encourage you....


Anonymous said...

wow Ashley, what a comeback!!

Miss Taylor said...

Ohh Suzy.... Don't be mad just cuz u spent ur 4 years in high school trying to tranfer to Pope! It's ok girl! I still got love for u!!

Ps: Who writes an "Anonymous" comment and then calls me 2 seconds later to confess it was them??!!

Shannon Teresa said...

wowwwwww I was getting mad when u were all women are bad and evil b/c don't ever forget what's between your own..but then I read on and maybe agreed lol (maybe)