Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Is it me or do men these days suck ass??! (Not litter ally, unless...well, lets not get into that!) Recently, all I seem to seem to be doing is sitting around with my girlfriends complaining about how unnecessary men are! Now, don't take that the wrong way! I am the most heterosexual person you and I both know, however, I really am losing confidence that there are actually good men out there! I mean, is it too goddamn much to ask for someone who's intelligent, good looking, ambitious, polite and hygienic! I don't see why it's so hard to find a man that can fit this very simple description! Note: You will never catch me seeing "Oooh gurrrlll, I wanna man with a big ol' fat bank account"! Reasons being, I would never actually say that shyt out loud! lol! Kidding!! I can honestly say, I really don't care about money. I make my own paper nigga! You can keep yours! But....If you INSIST on buying me those brand new fresh-off -the-shelf Prada pumps, then, who am I to argue?! (size 8 please!)

In the wise words of Mr. Todd Smith a.k.a LL Cool J "Man made the money, Money never made the man.." To me, that translates into, you can have cash pouring out of you behind and that's all well and good for you, but at the end of the day, if your clothes and your car are the foundation of your very existence, NEXT PLEASE!

One day those rims will stop spinning playa playa...

As for the whole "thug" image...the "gangsta act"...let me tell you a little secret...you ready?...IT DOES NOTHING FOR ME!! I am a grown ass woman! I do not need to be getting all dressed up, thinking we're going to dinner, and end up dodging strays in my stilettos on the Jane strip! NO THANKS!! It was cute when I was in high school but fellas, it's ain't cute no more! Pull up ya damn jeans, take that filthy wave cap off ya head, cuz we all know there ain't no damn waves under that shyt, and get a job!! That's right, I said it! J.O.B! Stop blaming the "system" for all your trials and tribulations! We all struggle!! I'm not saying you have to be a CEO of a Fortune 500 company! I would love you just was much if you had a paper route! Just make an effort...that's all I ask!! Thank God Fonzworth Bentley created that reality show "From G'z to Gents" cuz if he didn't I would have!! Believe me!

**Confession: I can't even lie...there's nothing like a man in sum Timobos!! Mmmm...yummy! Just not in church!! Watch ya selves!!

So, by now you might be saying to yourself "Ok, so I know what type of guys Ashley doesn't want, I wonder what type she does want!"

Good question! I've got a delicious answer for you....

A girl can dream...can't she???!

Taylor, out!

Who does she think she is??

For those of you who don't know, I am Miss Ashley Taylor. Despite what you may have heard it's not a stage name...it is in fact my government name. It has a nice ring to it doesn't it?

Anyways, I am 22 years old. I live in Toronto, Ontario. I work as an Marketing Director/Event Planer for the infamous high end car dealership, Supreme Auto Group. Some of you may know me from wayyyy back in the day as "Extasy Angel" on Blackplanet. I regret to inform you, I have put "Extasy" to rest. It was cool being a local Internet celebrity when I was 15 but at 22, going around calling myself Extasy will likely lead to randoms tying to slip dollar bills down my pants! Not a good look!

This blog is intended to show you a side of me that people rarely see. It's intended to clear up any misconceptions some of you may have about me, judging from my pictures alone. Writing has always been my therapy. I use it to escape the madness of the world, the whirlwind of my life. Ever since I was a little girl, I always kept a diary. Consider this my open diary. I will share my thoughts, secrets, hopes, dreams, fears, opinions, and maybe my fantasies (only if u promise not to tell anyone!! ) So sit back and enjoy the ride!

Taylor, out!